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21. MUSISCOPE - Instrumentistes - Violon Keylin, Misha violinist. Kivrak, Osman - violist and composer. Founding member of the Sunrise Quartet. Kreisler, Fritz (1875-1962) - offers http://www.musiscope.com/violon.htm | |
22. The World Violinist Links (Page 2 (K-Q)) Keylin, Misha (Mar 5/1970 ) Russia /USA Misha Keylin - Violinist. Biography, Discography, Critics Praise and Management Contacts. Misha Keylin. A review on CD Now. http://www2.osk.3web.ne.jp/~wistaria/violinists2.htm | |
23. Violin Discographies Misha Keylin has been commissioned to record all......KEYLIN, Misha Misha Keylin URL http//www.keylin.com/cd.html Name of page Misha Keylin Official Home Page http://www.cremona.u-net.com/glossary.htm | |
24. Message A few of his teachers were and presently still are Ana Keylin, Misha Keylin, Albert Rhodes, Adam Levine and more!!! He also received valuable private lessons from many of the great |
25. MusicalOnline Violin And Viola Keylin, Misha Kivrak, Osman YoungNam Kim Kim, Chin Berent Korfker - teaches at the Cologne Musikhochschule as assistant of acclaimed Professor Zakhar http://www.musicalonline.com/musicians/violin_viola/violin_viola.htm |
26. Dave Matthews - Some Devil (CD, Album) At Discogs Violin Seattlemusic String Quartet Leonid Keylin, Misha Keylin 12 Up And Away Acoustic Guitar - Dave Matthews Bass - Tony Hall http://www.discogs.com/Dave-Matthews-Some-Devil/release/1495219 | |
27. Keyled, Nevi - Keylon, Kristie | LinkedIn Michael Keylin Misha Keylin Pasha Keylin Rae Keylin Steve Keylin Allan Keyline Dump Keyling http://www.linkedin.com/directory/people/keylock.html |
28. Isay Keylin - Brooklyn, NY MyLife 8482 Leon Keylin Leonid Keylin Leonid Keylin Lev Keylin Misha Keylin http://www.mylife.com/c-1383276532 |
29. Leonid Keylin - Seattle, WA MyLife 8482 Lev Keylin Misha Keylin Neil Keylin Patti Keylin Peter Keylin http://www.mylife.com/c-1383287332 |
30. Dorothy DeLay: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The violin is a string instrument, usually with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highestpitched member of the violin family of string instruments http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Dorothy_DeLay | |
31. Misha : Definition Of Misha And Synonym Of Misha (English) Misha (singer) • Misha Alexandrovich • Misha Black • Misha Calvin • Misha Collins • Misha Defonseca • Misha Dichter • Misha Glenny • Misha Keylin • Misha http://dictionary.sensagent.com/misha/en-en/ |
32. Lupita Photography: Mariachi Tapatio De Alvaro Paulino Jr. New York City. A few of his teachers were and presently still are Ana Keylin, Misha Keylin, Albert Rhodes, Adam Levine and more!!! He also received valuable private lessons from many of the great http://lupitaphotography.com/tapatio.html | |
33. IPac2.0 Keyishian, Amy. 1 8. Keyishian, Marjorie. 1 9. Keylin, Arleen. 1 10. Keylin, Misha. 3 http://www.librarycatalogue.act.gov.au/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=vl&uindex=AL& |
34. MusicianBio.com - International Directory Of Classical Performers Keylin, Misha Khachatryan, Sergey Kim, MyungHi Kim, Lisa Kim, Benny Kim, Chin Kim, Michelle Kless, Yair Knowles, Liz Koh, Jennifer Kopatchinskaja, Patricia http://www.musicianbio.com/artists_byinstrument.php?instr=Violin |
35. Now Playing - Classical KING FM Mogrelia, Andrew/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra; Keylin, Misha, violin NAXOS 570974 Buy CD 1203pm BACH, J.C. The Clemency of Scipio Overture http://www.king.org/pages/4399266.php?npDate=09062010 |
36. K ~ PERFORMERS Pages ~ AMUSIClassical Directory Keylin, Misha ( ) = V Keyrouz, Soeur Marie ( - ) Keyte, Christopher (KRIS toh fer KEET) Khanzadian, Vahan (Syracuse, NY - )Am=Ten, MET 1993 http://musiclassical.tripod.com/perfK.html | |
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