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Extractions: This dictionary is far from complete. We are constantly adding definitions. Suggestions for terms that should be added may be sent to lexicographer@MathProPress.com . See also our on-line glossary of technical notation for details about unfamiliar mathematical symbols. A B C D ... Z Can't find what you're looking for here? Check out one of the other many fine Mathematics Dictionaries on the web. abacus An oriental counting device and calculator. Abelian group A group in which the binary operation is commutative, that is, ab=ba for all elements a abd b in the group. abscissa The x-coordinate of a point in a 2-dimensional coordinate system. absolute value abundant number A positive integer that is smaller than the sum of its proper divisors. acceleration The rate of change of velocity with respect to time. acute angle An angle that is less than 90 degrees addition The process of adding two numbers to obraint heir sum. algebraic equation An equation of the form f(x)=0 where f is a polynomial. algebraic number A number that is the root of an algebraic polynomial. For example, sqrt(2) is an algebraic number because it is a solution of the equation x
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