PEACE PRIZE Ducommun, lie, Switzerland, 18331906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (BureauInternational Permanent de la Paix), Bern;
Elie Ducommun Peace International Nobel 1902 Paix 1906 Director He was awarded in the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902, and served as director of the organization until his death in 1906. References. Elie Ducommun Bio; Ducommun, lie Ducommun, lie
Ny Sida 1 1901 1901 1902 1902 1903. Jean Henri Dunant Passy Fr d ric Ducommun lie Gobat Charles Albert Cremer William R. 18281910 1822-1912 1833-1906 1843-1914
Extractions: Member, British Parliament; Secretary, International Arbitration League Institut de droit international (Institute of International Law) Ghent,Belgium Scientific Society, Founded in 1873 Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita von Suttner, née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau .1843-1914 Honorary President of Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, Switzerland; Author of Lay Down Your Arms
Élie Ducommun - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia lie Ducommun (19 February 1833, Genf 7 December 1906, Bern) was a peace activist. He is a winner of the 1902 Nobel Peace Prize, which he shared with Charles Albert Gobat.Élie_Ducommun
Eligible | Define Eligible At –adjective 1. fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of choice; desirable to marry an eligible bachelor. 2. meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or
Biographies Of Élie Ducommun Biographies of Ducommun lie and more Ducommun lie biography.
Extractions: Rating Rating Rate 0(broken link) Comment on this link Title : Peace 1902 Rating Rating Rate 0(broken link) Comment on this link Title : Suggest another Link for this biography Biographies beginning with Biographes by Category Most popular biographies ... Add details to this biogaphy is a directory of other biographies on the web. We allow comments on the links we supply, as well as an opportunity for you to rate these bio's. When you suggest a biography, you have the option of using our web based editor to enter a biography of your own. We receive numerous requests every day to add links Needless to say, most of the links have nothing to do with biographies and are generally discarded. If we miss your suggestion, please feel free to submit your biographies again for review. We also get a lot of requests for posting links on biography center. People are willing to pay a decent price for this however, we do not participate in this sort of activity. Please don’t ask.
Élie Ducommun lie Ducommun lie Ducommun (February 19, 1833December 7, 1906) was a winner of the 1902 Nobel Peace Prize, which he shared with Charles Albert Gobat.
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Élie Ducommun February 19 December 7 ) was a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize , which he shared with Charles Albert Gobat . Born in Geneva , he worked as a tutor, language teacher, journalist, and editor, as well as a translator for the Swiss federal Chancellery ( ). In he helped to found the Ligue de la paix et de la liberté (League for Peace and Liberty), though he continued working at other positions, including secretary for the Jura-Simplon Steel Company from to . That year, he was appointed director of the newly formed Bureau international de la paix (International Peace Office), the first non-governmental international peace organization, based in Bern . He refused to accept a salary for the position, stating that he wished to serve in this capacity solely for reasons of idealism. His keen organizational skills ensured the group's success. He was awarded in the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902, and served as director of the organization until his death in 1906. Elie Ducommun Bio
Ducommun, Elie Ducommun, Elie Ducommun, lie DUCR Ducrey test Ducrey's bacillus Ducroire Ducros Meilleur Roy Group Incorporated, Productivity Plus DUCS DUCSS DUCSU duct
Extractions: No 2 19.2.1833 à Genève, Revue de Genève en 1855, D. joua un rôle important dans la Genève radicale, jusqu'à la chute de Fazy: vice-chancelier (1857), député au Grand Conseil (1858-1862), chancelier d'Etat (1862-1865). Rédacteur du journal radical Le Progrès à Delémont (1865-1868), traducteur au Conseil national (1867-1873); secrétaire de la compagnie du Jura-Berne-Lucerne, puis Jura-Simplon (1873-1903). Organisateur du congrès international de la Paix, à Genève, avec Pierre Jolissaint et James Fazy (1867); cofondateur de la Ligue pour la paix et la liberté (1868) et rédacteur de son bulletin Les Etats-Unis d'Europe ; participant au congrès de la Paix (1889); secrétaire général bénévole (dès 1891), puis à plein temps (dès 1903) du Bureau international de la paix. Député au Grand Conseil bernois (1868-1877), conseiller municipal à Bienne (1874-1877). Cofondateur de la Banque populaire suisse (1869), du Cercle démocratique romand (1872, plus tard parti national romand), de l'Association romande de Berne (1879). Membre de la Société géographique de Berne (1880-1906). Grand maître de la loge maçonnique Alpina (1890-1895). Auteur de nombreux articles et essais. Prix Nobel de la paix avec Albert Gobat (1902), pour son engagement infatigable en faveur du mouvement pour la paix, qui lui devait son organisation et sa cohésion interne.
Ducommun Élie - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Ducommun, lie, Discours sur l'Å“uvre de la paix prononc Gen ve le 23 mai 1893. Bern, 1893. Ducommun, lie, The Permanent International Bureau of
Extractions: Szukaj Poczta S³owniki Kursy ... Jêzyki ducommun Élie Informacje o serwisie Kursy on-line Kody dostêpu Napisz do nas O nas ... Aktualizacja encyklopedii wszystkie s³ownik informatyczny polski bez b³êdów Poka¿ tylko zdjêcia, filmy i mapy Jak szukaæ? Dodaj do notesu Postacie historyczne, Polityka, Europa, Szwajcaria, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Ducommun Élie Pokojow± Nagrodê Nobla razem z Ch.A. Gobatem. Encyklopedia WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra Twój notes jest pusty. Mo¿esz dodawaæ do niego has³a i multimedia z Encyklopedii oraz ksi±¿ki z Biblioteki. Bêdziesz móg³ potem do nich ³atwo wróciæ. Notes mo¿esz uzupe³niaæ klikaj±c w "Dodaj do notesu" przy wybranym ha¶le, multimedium lub ksi±¿ce.
Biografía De Ducommun, Élie - lie Ducommun Ducommun, lie Ducommun, lie , 1833–1906, Swiss journalist and pacifist. He Henri La Fontaine - La Fontaine, Henri La Fontaine, Henri , 1854–1943, BelgianÉlie.htm
International Peace Bureau — lie Ducommun Ducommun, lie Ducommun, lie , 1833–1906, Swiss journalist and pacifist. He Henri La Fontaine - La Fontaine, Henri La Fontaine, Henri , 1854–1943, Belgian
Extractions: Reference Desk Encyclopedia International Peace Bureau (IPB), organization est. 1891 in Bern, Switerland, by Fredrik Bajer and other members of the third World Peace Congress. Dedicated to promoting world peace, it brought together various European pacifist groups and coordinated their activities. It advocated disarmament and took positions on international conflicts. Extremely influential, the IPB was the voice of the world peace movement in the 1890s and early 1900s, and in 1910 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. After World War I, with the formation of the League of Nations (which the IPB promoted) and other peace organizations, the IPB waned in importance, and it ceased operation during World War II. Shortly thereafter, some of its former members founded the Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace (ILCOP), which later was granted the IPB's assets and took the name International Peace Bureau in 1964. It merged with the International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace in 1984. Based in Geneva, the organization has a membership that now includes 265 international, national, and local peace organizations from more than 60 countries and many individuals. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia