Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Osheroff, Douglas D. | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Osheroff, Douglas D.. (Stanford University, Stanford, USA). Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1996 with David M. Lee and Robert C. Richardson for
Biographies Of Douglas D. Osheroff Biographies of Osheroff Douglas D. and more Osheroff Douglas D. biography.
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Osheroff, Douglas D - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About The noble gas (rare gas) helium exists as two isotopes, helium4 and helium-3, of which helium-4 is the most abundant in nature. When cooled to two degrees above absolute zero, Douglas D
Abstracts: Physics Award Acclaims Superfluid Helium. The Best Is Yet To Come. Mi Achievements and awards, Superfluidity, Nobel prizes, Helium at low temperatures, Low temperature helium, Osheroff, Douglas D., Lee, David M. (American physicist), Richardson
Extractions: homepage Abstracts index Zoology and wildlife conservation Article Abstract: Physicists Douglas Osheroff, David Lee and Robert Richardson have been awarded the 1996 Nobel prize for physics for their 1971 discovery of superfluidity in Helium-3. Their work has stimulated extensive research on the behavior of macroscopic systems at low temperatures for the past two decades. The most evident contributions of Osheroff, Lee and Richardson's work can be found in quantum mechanics. author: Buchanan, Mark Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Ltd. Achievements and awards, Superfluidity, Nobel prizes, Helium at low temperatures, Low temperature helium, Osheroff, Douglas D., Lee, David M. (American physicist), Richardson, Robert C. User Contributions: Comment about this article or add new information about this topic: Comment: (50-4000 characters) Name: E-mail: Security Code: Display my email: Article Abstract: The optimality is the main ingredient of an organizing principle of science, but the patterns of connections within the real-world networks do not always respect it. A network might reveal optimal form only if it is ready and the nature of optimality has depended on the network's function.
Douglas D. Osheroff - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Douglas Dean Osheroff (born August 1, 1945) is an American physicist who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Lee and Robert C. Richardson for their discovery of
Extractions: Stanford University Alma mater California Institute of Technology ... Ph.D. Discovering superfluidity in helium-3 Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physics Douglas Dean Osheroff (born August 1, 1945) is an American physicist who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Lee and Robert C. Richardson "for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3 Osheroff's father was the son of Jewish immigrants who left Russia and his mother was the daughter of Slovak immigrants. Osheroff, born in Aberdeen, Washington , earned his Bachelor's degree in from Caltech , where he attended lectures by Richard Feynman and did undergraduate research for Gerry Neugebauer Osheroff joined the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell University as a graduate student, doing research in low-temperature physics. Together with David Lee, the head of the laboratory, and Robert C. Richardson, Osheroff used a Pomeranchuk cell to investigate the behaviour of He at temperatures within a few thousands of a degree of absolute zero. They discovered unexpected effects in their measurements, which they eventually explained as phase transitions to a superfluid phase of
Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 Brockhouse, Bertram N.; Shull, Clifford G. 1995 Perl, Martin L.; Reines, Frederick; 1996 Lee, David M.; Osheroff, Douglas D.; Richardson, Robert C.
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James
Douglas D. Osheroff - Autobiography, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Extractions: Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Physics Douglas D. Osheroff - Autobiography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics Ethnically, I come from a mixed family. My father was the son of Jewish immigrants who left Russia shortly after the turn of the century, and my mother was the daughter of a Lutheran minister whose parents were from what is now Slovakia. Mostly, however, I grew up in a medical family. My father's father and all his children either became physicians or married them. My parents had met in New York where my father was a medical intern and my mother was a nurse. At the end of World War II, my parents settled in Aberdeen, a small logging town on the west coast of Washington State, where medical doctors were in short supply. Surrounded by natural beauty, it was a perfect place to raise a family, and I was the second of five children. To this day I grow pale at the sight of blood, and never for a moment considered a career in medicine. Despite this, my father, who was usually engrossed in his medical career, inspired in me passions for both photography and gardening, which were his hobbies when time permitted, as they are mine. Natural science interested me intensely from a very early age. When I was six I began tearing my toys apart to play with the electric motors. From then on, my free hours were occupied by a myriad of mechanical, chemical and electrical projects, culminating in the construction of a 100 keV X-ray machine during my senior year in high school.
Wikipedia:Douglas D. Osheroff - Global Warming Art Biography. Osheroff's father was the son of Jewish immigrants who left Russia and his mother was the daughter of Slovak immigrants. 2 Osheroff, born in Aberdeen, Washington, earned his
AccessScience | Biography | Osheroff, Douglas D(ean) About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and
AccessScience | Biographies Osheroff, Douglas D(ean) (1945– ) - Awarded to young mathematicians, the Fields Medal is the world's most
Extractions: ProQuest The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... Probing the nature of superfluid helium-3 very near its critical temperature by Nishimori, Arito, PhD, STANFORD UNIVERSITY , 2006, pages; 3209010 Abstract: We have measured with high resolution the static magnetization and NMR frequency shift of bulk superfluid T A 1 nor smearing of kinks at T A and T A Advisor: Osheroff, Douglas D. School: STANFORD UNIVERSITY Source: DAI-B 67/03, p. 1492, Sep 2006 Source Type: DISSERTATION Subjects: Condensation Publication Number: Access the complete dissertation: Find an electronic copy at your library. The database includes citations of graduate works ranging from the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, to those accepted as recently as last semester. Of the 2.3 million graduate works included in the database, ProQuest offers more than 1.9 million in full text formats. Of those, over 860,000 are available in PDF format. More than 60,000 dissertations and theses are added to the database each year. If you have questions, please feel free to visit the ProQuest Web site -
Extractions: The Basics Home About What's New ... Widget David Lee, Douglas Osheroff, Superfluidity, and Helium 3 Resources with Additional Information David M. Lee and Douglas D. Osheroff received the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics for ‘their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3'. "In 1976, Lee shared with Richardson and Osheroff their earliest recognition for studies of superfluidity, the Simon Memorial Prize of the British Physical Society. The Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society followed for the trio in 1981. ... Douglas D. Osheroff
Fundamental Physics In Space Osheroff, Douglas D. Stanford U Paik, Ho Jung U of Maryland Penanen, Konstantin JPL Peters, Achim Humboldt U, Berlin Philips, William NIST, Boulder, CO
Extractions: Name Affiliation Adelberger, Eric U of Washington, Seattle Albrecht, Andreas UC Davis Alimi, Jean-Michel Laboratory Universe and Theories Asmar, Sami JPL Berg, Robert NIST Berger, Beverly K. NSF Bertolami, Orfeu Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Bigelow, Nicholas P. U of Rochester Bingham, Robert RAL, Didcot, UK Bluhm, Robert T. Colby College Bouyer, Philippe Laboratoire Charles Fabry, France Boyd, Richard N. NSF Byer, Robert Stanford U Cacciapuoti, Luigi ESA ESTEC Cahn, Robert LBNL Carroll, Sean U of Chicago Chiao, Raymond Y. UC Merced Chui, Talso C. JPL Clavel, Jean ESA HQ Cline, David UCLA de Matos, Clovis ESA HQ Deffayet, Cedric IAP, Paris Degnan, John J. SigmaSpace Inc., USA Dell'Agnello, Simone INFN, Italy Dittus, Hansjoerg ZARM, Germany Drever, Ronald W. P. Caltech Duncan, Robert V. U of New Mexico Dvali, Georgi NYU Erd, Christian ESTEC Ertmer, Wolfgang U of Hannover, Germany Everitt, C. W. Francis Stanford U Flanagan, Eanna Cornell U Freese, Katherine
Douglas Osheroff - Stanford Physics Faculty Douglas D. Osheroff. Professor of Physics and Applied Physics. J.G. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professorship in Physics . Room 150 Varian Physics Bldg
Extractions: fax 650-725-6544 Group Page Research efforts center around studies of quantum fluids and solids and glasses at ultra-low temperatures. Current work in quantum fluids and solids includes studies of transport properties in nuclear magnetically ordered solid 3He, studies of the B phase nucleation in superfluid 3He, and experimental searches for new magnetically ordered two dimensional phases of both solid and liquid 3He on graphite surfaces. The work involving glasses is intended to elucidate the nature of two level systems in amorphous materials at ultra-low temperatures, and to develop new low heat capacity/high resolution thermometers for use in the 1 to 10 mK temperature range. Specialty: ultra-low temperature physics B.S., 1967, Caltech Ph.D., 1973, Cornell
Allegro-Chronik Ab 1980 Douglas D. Osheroff.html informacje pochodzace z wikipedii, chcesz wiedziec wiecej na temat - Douglas D. Osheroff.html - zainteresuj sie nasza strona.
Extractions: Cronin, James W.; Fitch, Val L. Bloembergen, Nicolaas; Schawlow, Arthur L.; Siegbahn, Kai [Schweden] Wilson, Kenneth G. Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan; Fowler, William A. Rubbia, Carlo Klitzing, Klaus von Ruska, Ernst [Deutschland]; Binnig, Gerd [Deutschland]; Rohrer, Heinrich [Schweiz] Bednorz, Johannes Georg; Müller, Karl Alexander Lederman, Leon M.; Schwartz, Melvin; Steinberger, Jack Dehmelt, Hans G.; Paul, Wolfgang; Ramsey, Norman F. Friedman, Jerome I.; Kendall, Henry W.; Taylor, RIchard E Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de Charpak, Georges Hulse, Russell A.; Taylor Jr., Joseph H. Brockhouse, Bertram N.; Shull, Clifford G. Perl, Martin L.; Reines, Frederick Lee, David M.; Richardson, Robert C.; Osheroff, Douglas D. Chu, Stephen; Philips, William D.; Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude [Frankreich] Laughlin, Robert B.; Störmer, Horst L. [Deutschland]; Tsui, Daniel C. 't Hooft, Gerardys; Veltman, Martinus J.G: [Niederlande] Alferov, Zhores I. [Russland]; Kroemer, Herbert; Kilby, Jack Ketterle, Wolfgang [Deutschland]; Cornell, Eric A.; Wieman, Carl E.
Douglas D. Osheroff (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Douglas D. Osheroff (American physicist), Aug. 1, 1945Aberdeen, Wash., U.S.American physicist who, along with David Lee and Robert Richardson, was the corecipient of the 1996 Nobel
Extractions: document.write(''); Search Site: With all of these words With the exact phrase With any of these words Without these words Home My Britannica CREATE MY Douglas D. O... NEW ARTICLE ... SAVE Table of Contents: Douglas D. Osheroff Article Article Year in Review Links Year in Review Links Related Articles Related Articles Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Douglas D. Osheroff in full Douglas Dean Osheroff (b. Aug. 1, 1945, Aberdeen, Wash., U.S.), American physicist who, along with David Lee and Robert Richardson , was the corecipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of superfluidity in the isotope helium-3 Osheroff received a (1967) from the California Institute of Technology and a doctorate (1973) from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He was a graduate student working with Lee and Richardson in the low-temperature laboratory at Cornell when the team made its discovery in 1972. The team was investigating the properties of helium-3 under temperatures of just a few thousandths of a degree above
Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Method Of Least Squares Orsted, Hans Christian ? Orthogonal matrix ? Orthonormal basis Osheroff, Douglas D.? ? P Psymmetry ? Pak
Extractions: Search the Internet with Kids.Net.Au Article Content Redirected from Method of least squares Least squares curve fitting[?] optimization problems are those which find a "best fit" to a set of data by attempting to minimize the sum of the squares of the errors between the fitted function and the data. Many other optimization problems[?] can also be expressed in a least squares form, either minimizing energy or maximizing entropy See Linear regression and Gauss-Markov theorem . The Gauss-Markov theorem says that least-squares estimators are in a certain sense optimal. Search over one million articles, find something about almost anything! Featured Article Weser ... a gorge between two mountain chains, the Wiehengebirge in the west and the Wesergebirge in the east. Towns at the Weser, from the source to the mouth: Hannoversch ... Web Sites Encyclopedia Dictionary Thesaurus ... Link to Kids.Net.Au
Extractions: Affiliation: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, U.S.A. Book Store Featured Internet Links Prize co-recipient: David M. Lee Prize co-recipient: Robert C. Richardson Official award announcement and brief background Detailed outline of physical theories behind the award ... Profile of Douglas Osheroff's current research activities at Stanford Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors Prof. Osheroff's Home page at Stanford's Dept. of Physics (submitted by Marcos J. Montes Prof. Osheroff's Research Group's Home Page (submitted by Marcos J. Montes The original papers announcing the discovery of superfluid helium-3 Press release from Stanford University The Nobel Foundation's official site (submitted by Arne Gustafsson Douglas D. Osheroff � Autobiography (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Douglas D. Osheroff - Other Resources