Nobel Peace Prize The first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize was Bertha Von Suttner, who was the honorary President of Permanent International Peace Bureau, Switzerland.
Extractions: Home World News Latest Articles Escape Hatch ... Endless Buzz The Nobel Peace Prize is the world's most renowned award that is presented for peace. Read on to know more about it. The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the prestigious international awards founded by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and innovator, who invented dynamite. Along with the peace award, he listed 4 more awards in his will of 1895, to be given to individuals who excelled in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature. Though the will was out in 1895, it had certain shortcomings, as a result of which the first Nobel Prize was awarded only in 1901. The criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize is different from the rest of the awards. While the other 4 prizes are awarded for excellence in particular fields, the peace prize could either be given to an individual or an organization, working to achieve world peace. In the words of Alfred Nobel, the peace prize should be granted to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses
Nobel Peace Prize D-J Charles Albert Gobat. 1902 (Switzerland). Secretary General, InterParliamentary Union. Honorary Secretary, Permanent International Peace Bureau. Peace Prize D-J.htm
Extractions: Photo Gallery HAVEL'S HOUSE OF HISTORY AUTOGRAPHS OF NOBEL LAUREATES FOR PEACE: D-J These items are posted as a reference for collectors and are not for sale. (Click on image or signature to see an enlargement). A-BF BG-C K-M N-R ... Online Store His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) 1989 (Tibet). Religious leader of Tibet. For his non-violent advocacy on behalf of Tibetan sovereignty. XIV Dalai Lama Signature Charles Gates Dawes 1925 (United States). Vice President of the United States. Chairman, Allied Reparation Commission and originator of the Dawes Plan. Charles Gates Dawes Signature Frederik Willem de Klerk 1993 (South Africa). President of South Africa. For his efforts to eliminate apartheid and lay the foundations for a democratic South Africa. Frederick Willem de Klerk Signature Elie Ducommun 1901 (Switzerland). Honorary Secretary, Permanent International Peace Bureau. Elie Ducommun Signature Jean Henry Dunant 1901 (Switzerland). Founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross and originator of the Geneva Convention. Jean Henry Dunant Signature (Sorry. No signature available).
20th Century Year By YEar 1902 The prize was divided equally between DUCOMMUN, ƒLIE, Switzerland, b. 1833, d. 1906 Honorary Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne.
Nobel Peace Prize Norwegian Awarded Committee Alfred Prizes writer, honorary president of the Permanent International Peace Bureau . 1906 Theodore Roosevelt (USA) president of the United States, for drawing up the peace treaty in the Russo
Nobel Peace Prize Permanent International Peace Bureau. One of the early winners of the Prize was the Permanent International Peace Bureau, an organisation which had been set up by pacifists after the
Extractions: Help for researchers Home Find help by region International Nobel Peace Prize The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize by the Nobel Foundation probably receives more publicity than any of the other prizes, and its winners are assured of worldwide attention. In his will, Alfred Nobel directed that the prize should be awarded to the person who "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses" In the event, the Nobel Committee has applied these criteria not only to individuals but to organisations as well: in total, 19 prizes have been won by institutions, many of them international organisations of one kind or another. Here is a list of these recipients with the dates of their awards in brackets: The American Friends Service Committee (1947) Amnesty International (1977) The Friends Service Council (1947) Medecins Sans Frontieres (1999) Institute of International Law (1904) International Atomic Energy Agency (2005) International Campaign to Ban Landmines (1997) ... League of Red Cross Societies (1963) Nansen International Office for Refugees (1938) Office of the United Nations Commissioner for refugees (1954, 1981)
Permanent International Peace Bureau The History. The Permanent International Peace Bureau was founded in 1891 in Berne, Switzerland as an international central office to coordinate the work of
Extractions: The History The Permanent International Peace Bureau was founded in 1891 in Berne, Switzerland as an international central office to co-ordinate the work of organisations in many countries which were dedicated to the cause of world peace. It attained the distinction of being awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace in 1910, and had in fact been nominated for this prize on no less than seven occasions during the first ten years since this prize was first instigated. Once it had been so honoured by the Nobel Prize Committee, however, the Bureau went into decline and it's influence upon the world stage waned dramatically. Perhaps peace was not greatly in fashion in those days. The Bureau was first set up by delegates at the 1891 3rd World Peace Congress which was held in Rome; this was an association which was designed to act as a link between the world's pacifist organisations, a provider of information about the various peace movements, and a vehicle for preparing and putting into effect the resolutions of the World Peace Congresses. Initially it was quite successful in these tasks and was widely considered to be the main mouthpiece of the world's peace movements with regular appeals for restraint to countries or military organisations which were threatening, or involved in, warfare or insurrection; these appeals, however, were regularly ignored. After WW1 and establishment of the League of Nations the Peace Bureau's influence declined and its various activities were suspended during WWW2 and it was officially wrapped up in 1959,with the Swiss court awarding the remaining assets to ILCOP, the International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace. ILCOP tried to resurrect the organisation by re-naming it's Swiss branch as the International Peace Bureau and this was in fact it was recognized by the Nobel Prize Committee, but this new bureau never attained the level of recognition that the original had enjoyed as the voice of the pacifists of the world.
PEACE PRIZE Union (Unioninterparlementaire), Bern. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent dela Paix), Bern.
Permanent International Peace Bureau Pictures Find your Permanent International Peace Bureau pictures at! We have over a billion indexed images in our directory, and it continually expands. prize winners/peace/winners
Nobel Peace Prize 1910 | Nobels Fredspris List of laureates Nobel Peace Prize Presentation speech; The Permanent International Peace Bureau Nobel Lecture History
International Peace Bureau Facts - Freebase IPB was founded under the name Permanent international peace bureau (Bureau international permanent de la paix). From 1912 onward it used the name International Peace Bureau.
1910 Bureau International Permanent De La Paix (Permanent 1910 Bureau international permanent de la Paix (Permanent International Peace Bureau) Bureau international permanent de la Paix (Permanent International Peace Bureau
Henri La Fontaine Winner Of The 1913 Nobel Prize In Peace Member Belgian Parliament (S nateur) President Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne. Background. 18541943 Residence Belgium Featured Internet Links
Charles Albert Gobat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In 1902, Gobat jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902 with lie Ducommun for their leadership of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Extractions: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Charles Albert Gobat Charles Albert Gobat (May 21, 1843 – March 16, 1914) was a Swiss lawyer , educational administrator, and politician who jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize with Élie Ducommun in 1902 for their leadership of the Permanent International Peace Bureau Gobat was born on May 21, 1843 at Tramelan Switzerland . He was the son of a Protestant pastor and the nephew of Samuel Gobat , a missionary who became bishop of Jerusalem. He was educated at the University of Basel University of Heidelberg University of Bern , and University of Paris . He received his doctorate in law, summa cum laude, from the University of Heidelberg in 1867. After completing his Ph.D, Gobat began his practicing law in Bern and also lectured on French civil law at Bern University. He then opened an office in Delémont in the canton of Bern, which soon became the leading legal firm of the district. He won acclaim for his erudite République de Berne et la France pendant les guerres de religion, which was published in 1891 and also widespread recognition for Histoire de la Suisse racontée au peuple (A People's History of Switzerland), which was published in 1900.
Extractions: edit Nobel Prize in Peace, 1900s Year Individual or Organization Notes Jean Henri Dunant (Switzerland) founder of the Red Cross and initiator of the Geneva Convention. Fr�d�ric Passy (France) founder and president of the Soci�t� Fran�aise pour l'arbitrage entre nations (Switzerland) and Charles Albert Gobat honorary secretaries of the Permanent International Peace Bureau in Berne. Sir William Randal Cremer (UK) secretary of the International Arbitration League. Institut de droit international (Gent, Belgium). writer, honorary president of the Permanent International Peace Bureau. Theodore Roosevelt (USA) president of the United States, for drawing up the peace treaty in the Russo-Japanese War. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (Italy) president of the Lombard League of Peace. Louis Renault (France) professor of International Law. Klas Pontus Arnoldson (Sweden) founder of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration League. Fredrik Bajer (Denmark) honorary president of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Nobel Peace Prize - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia honorary president of the Permanent International Peace Bureau. 1909 Auguste Marie Francois Beernaert (Belgium) member of the Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage.
Extractions: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search The Nobel Peace Prize is one of six awards in the memory of Alfred Nobel , the inventor of Dynamite . Every year the organization gives out six awards for the people "who best benefit mankind through their actions" in one of the six subjects; peace literature physics chemistry ... economics , and medicine The Peace Prize is given out in Norway , but the other Prizes are given out in Sweden . This is because Norway and Sweden were one country when the prizes were started. Here are the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize: Year Individual or Organization Notes Jean Henri Dunant (Switzerland) founder of the Red Cross and initiator of the Geneva Convention Frédéric Passy (France) founder and president of the Société Française pour l'arbitrage entre nations Élie Ducommun (Switzerland) and Charles Albert Gobat honorary secretaries of the Permanent International Peace Bureau in Berne. Sir William Randal Cremer (UK) secretary of the International Arbitration League Institut de droit international (Gent, Belgium). Bertha Sophie Felicitas Baronin von Suttner , née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau (Austria-Hungary) writer, honorary president of the
Extractions: Nobel prizes were created by the will of Alfred Nobel, a notable Swedish chemist. He was the inventor of dynomite. The prize is awarded by the Norwegian NOBEL Committee to the person or persons who bestowed the "greatest benefit on mankind" each year. Six Nobel prizes are awarded in 6 different subjects Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature. They have been awarded to a variety of people for a variety of reasons since 1901. See the list that follows! This year (2001) marks the centennial for the PEACE prize!
Ny Sida 1 exSecretary of State; Originator of various treaties of arbitration Member,Belgian Parliament);President,Permanent International Peace Bureau,Berne,
Extractions: Member, British Parliament; Secretary, International Arbitration League Institut de droit international (Institute of International Law) Ghent,Belgium Scientific Society, Founded in 1873 Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita von Suttner, n�e Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau .1843-1914 Honorary President of Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne, Switzerland; Author of Lay Down Your Arms
Charles Albert Gobat Winner Of The 1902 Nobel Prize In Peace SecretaryGeneral InterParliamentary Union, Berne Honorary Secretary Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne. Background. 1843-1914 Residence Switzerland
Charles Albert Gobat | In 1902, Gobat jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902 with lie Ducommun for their leadership of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.