Physics > Physicists > Tsui, Daniel C. Engineering Quadrangle, Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone 609.258.3500 Fax 609.258.3745 Daniel C. Tsui Email Bio Home People Department Contacts Faculty images research
Biographies Of Daniel C. Tsui Biographies of Tsui Daniel C. and more Tsui Daniel C. biography.
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Tsui, Daniel C. Tsui, Daniel C. (1951) I tend to partition my life into three compartments childhood years in a remote village in the province of Henan in central China
Extractions: Tsui, Daniel C. I tend to partition my life into three compartments: childhood years in a remote village in the province of Henan in central China, schooling years in Hong Kong, and the years since I came to attend college in the United States. The only thread connecting them is the kindness, generosity and friendship from the people around me that I have experienced all my life. My childhood memories are filled with the years of drought, flood and war which were constantly on the consciousness of the inhabitants of my over-populated village, but also with my parents' self-sacrificing love and the happy moments they created for me. Like most other villagers, my parents never had the opportunity to learn how to read and write. They suffered from their illiteracy and their suffering made them determined not to have their children follow the same path at any and whatever cost to them. In early 1951, my parents seized the first and perhaps the only opportunity to have me leave them and their village to pursue education in so far away a place that neither they nor I knew how far it truly was. I left Chicago in early spring 1968 and took a position in Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey to do research in solid state physics. I found myself a niche in semiconductor research, though I never got into the main stream either in semiconductor physics, which was mostly optics and high energy band-structures, or its use in device applications. I wandered into a new frontier, which was dubbed the physics of two-dimensional electrons. In February 1982, shortly after the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect, I moved to Princeton and started teaching.
Physicists-T Torricelli, Evangelista Townes, Charles Hard Townsend, John Sealy Edward Tsui, Daniel C. Tyndall, John
Daniel C. Tsui - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Daniel Chee Tsui is a Chineseborn American physicist whose areas of research included electrical properties of thin films and microstructures of semiconductors and solid
Extractions: Augustana College (BSc) Quantum Hall effect Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physics Daniel Chee Tsui Chinese pinyin Cuī Qí , born February 28, 1939, Henan Province China ) is a Chinese -born American physicist whose areas of research included electrical properties of thin films and microstructures of semiconductors and solid-state physics . He is currently Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University and adjunct senior research scientist in the Department of Physics at Columbia University , where he was a visiting professor from 2006 to 2008. In 1998, along with Horst L. Störmer of Columbia and Robert Laughlin of Stanford , Tsui was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect Tsui was born in Fan Village (范庄), about 7,5 kilometers from
Extractions: ProQuest The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... Microwave spectroscopy of two-dimensional electrons in tilted magnetic field by Zhu, Han, Ph.D., PRINCETON UNIVERSITY , 2010, 162 pages; 3401592 Abstract: A two-dimensional electron system in a perpendicular magnetic field exhibits a large family of phases with crystalline or partial crystalline order. These include theWigner solid (WS) at small filling factor ? of the lowest Landau level (LL), WS formed of dilute quasiparticles near integer ?, and the bubble and the stripe phases in the third or higher LL's. These phases are pinned by sample disorder, and exhibit collective oscillation modes, or pinning modes, which give rise to resonances in microwave conductivity spectra, as found in previous studies. The resonances serve not only as evidence for the particular phases, but also as tools for probing charge ordering, dynamics, and disorder effects. This thesis presents our microwave spectroscopic study of these phases in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field, Bip , which can affect the electron orbitals and spins.
Daniel C. Tsui (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Daniel C. Tsui (American physicist), Feb. 28, 1939Honan province, ChinaChineseborn American physicist who, with Horst L. St rmer and Robert B. Laughlin, received the 1998 Nobel
Extractions: document.write(''); Search Site: With all of these words With the exact phrase With any of these words Without these words Home My Britannica CREATE MY Daniel C. Ts... NEW ARTICLE ... SAVE Table of Contents: Daniel C. Tsui Article Article Year in Review Links Year in Review Links Related Articles Related Articles Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Daniel C. Tsui in full Daniel Chee Tsui (b. Feb. 28, 1939, Honan province, China), Chinese-born American physicist who, with and Robert B. Laughlin
Physicist / Astronomer T Tsui Daniel C. (1939 China ) USA. 1998 Nobel Physics prize for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations
Extractions: Articles on the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors Computer visualization of the fractional hall effect CNN coverage of the award A brief explanation of the Quantum Fractional Hall Effect Some lecture notes on the quantum Hall effects ... The 1998 Franklin Institute Award for Daniel C. Tsui (submitted by Nikolai N. Kostyukovich
Index Of Nobel Laureates In Physics Tsui, Daniel C. 1998 Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik 1910 Veltman, Martinus J. G. 1999 Vleck, John H. Van 1977 Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton 1951 Weinberg, Steven
Insider Trading - Tsui Daniel C - Portfolio Holdings (Majority Ownership) Tsui Daniel C form 4 sec filings insider trading and stock options reveal insider stocks held, purchased, sold, portfolio holdings (majority ownership), and stock options awarded
The Nobel Foundation - List Of Laureates Tsui, Daniel C., Professor, 1998 Weinberg, Steven, Professor, 1979 Veltman, Martinus, Professor, 1999 Wilson, Robert W., Dr, 1978 Chemistry Altman, Sidney, Professor, 1989
Summary For MARGALIT NEAR - singh dilip mrv communications inc tartavull philippe mrv communications inc tsui daniel c mrv communications inc tuller blima mrv communications inc
Extractions: Ph.D. 1967, University of Chicago My field of research activity is the electrical properties of thin films and microstructures of semiconductors and solid-state physics. My current research at Princeton is on the fundamental properties of electronic materials, especially conduction in ultrasmall structures, transport through heterojunctions, heterojunction transistors, and quantum physics of electronic materials in strong magnetic fields and low temperatures, in particular, the quantum Hall regime (see figure below). Before coming to Princeton sixteen years ago I had thirteen years of research experience in solid-state electronics at Bell Laboratories. Nobel Prize in physics in 1998. Plotted are the diagonal(R) and Hall (R H
Daniel C. Tsui - Storming Media Pentagon reports and documents by To be informed of important news about our site, enter your email here. You can always unsubscribe later.
Extractions: Reports by Author Click on the titles below to find US government-authored or -collected reports written by Daniel C. Tsui Total Results: Results per page: Sort by: Title Date Pages Display: Full Text Only Abstracts Only All Photonic Crystal/Nano-Electronic Device Structures for Large Array Thermal Imaging 19 NOV 2007 14 pages Authors: Daniel C. Tsui PRINCETON UNIV NJ DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Lattice-matched InGaAs/Inp quantum well infrared detector (QWIP) exhibits high photoconductive gain but un-adjustable detection wavelength because of its fixed barrier height. The use of InxGa1-xAsyP1-y (InGaAsP) as the barrier material is superior to that of InP with regard to the flexibility of operating wavelength. In this letter we investigate the application of InGaAsP material in the long wavelength infrared detection. We report a broadband quantum well InGaAs/InGaAsP detector covering 8-14 ... Nano-Patterned Quantum Structures for Infrared Detection 30 SEP 2005 16 pages Authors: Daniel C. Tsui
Daniel C. Tsui Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. St rmer, Daniel C. Tsui Daniel C. Tsui I tend to partition my life into three compartments childhood years in a remote
Extractions: Kosmix One sec... we're building your guide for Daniel C. Tsui document.k_start_apptier = "Nov 01 02:15:43.294043"; kapp.assignCol($('ads_banner_top'), 'topnav_container'); kapp.nav_menu_container = $('refine_nav').down(".navs_container"); kapp.assignCol($('refine_nav'), 'topnav_container'); kapp.assignCol($('uc_kosmixarticles_shadow'), 'right_container'); Video Search from Truveo From: Nobel Prize kapp.mCallback($('video_trv')); More Video from Truveo kapp.assignCol($('video'), 'left_container'); kapp.assignCol($('ads_banner_right1'), 'right_container'); Encyclopedia: Daniel C. Tsui from Wikipedia Daniel Chee Tsui born February Henan Province China is a Chinese born American physicist whose areas of research included electrical properties of thin films and microstructures of semiconductors and solid state physics He is currently Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University and adjunct senior research scientist in the Department of Physics at Columbia University where he was kapp.mCallback($('wiki'));