Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold - Personenlexikon Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold. Medicine List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day
Extractions: Startseite Personenlexikon Thematische Gliederung Gruppen Kategorien ... Z deutscher Chemiker, geboren 25.12.1876 Berlin, verstorben 9.6.1959 Göttingen; ab 1906 Professor in Freiburg i.Br., ab 1913 in Innsbruck, 1915–44 in Göttingen; Begründer der modernen Vitaminforschung; bewies 1919 die Verwandtschaft zwischen Cholesterin (1932 Konstitutionsaufklärung) und Gallensäuren; ermittelte 1924 die Struktur des Colchicins; erkannte 1927 das Ergosterin als Provitamin D und kristallisierte 1931 das Vitamin D (Calciferol); entschlüsselte 1932 den Mechanismus der photochemischen Umlagerung des Ergosterins in das Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol); um 1930 Isolierung und Angabe der Bruttoformel des Vitamins B1 (Thiamin); ferner Forschungen über Digitalisglykoside und Histidin (Konstitutionsaufklärung); erhielt 1928 für seine Vitaminforschungen den Nobelpreis für Chemie.
Adolf Windaus Biography | World of Scientific Discovery on Adolf Windaus. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus was born in Berlin to Adolf and Margarete (Elster) Windaus on December 25, 1876.
20th Century Year By Year 1927 WINDAUS, ADOLF OTTO REINHOLD, Germany, Goettingen University, b. 1876, d. 1959 for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their
Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Nicolle, Charles Charles Nicolle Undset, Sigrid Sigrid Undset None — 1929 Broglie, Louis de Louis de Broglie
Extractions: Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Né à Berlin le 25 décembre 1876, Windaus commence ses études au Lycée français de cette ville. Puis il part étudier la médecine à Fribourg, et il revient à Berlin, où il obtient en 1897 son dip16me de docteur en médecine; il s'intéresse aussi à la physique, à la chimie et à la zoologie. Il travaille pendant un an dans le laboratoire d'Emil Fischer, et soutient sa thèse de chimie en 1900. L'année suivante il repart à Fribourg, où Heinrich Kiliani effectue des recherches sur les saponines des digitales, et c'est dans le laboratoire de celui-ci qu'il entreprend ses travaux sur le cholestérol. En 1913, Windaus est nommé professeur de chimie médicale à l'Université d'Innsbruck; deux ans plus tard il est professeur à l'Université de GOttingen, où il devient ensuite directeur du laboratoire de chimie. Comme son ami Wieland, il s'intéresse à la chimie des substances naturelles et, après le cholestérol, il étudie les poisons d'origine animale et végétale, et travaille sur la synthèse de la vitamine antirachitique D2. Tout comme Wallach, qui avait classé les terpènes, Windaus identifie les diverses substances de la série des stérols, et montre la parenté existant entre ces composés, les digitalines et les vitamines D. Compte tenu des moyens dont on disposait à l'époque, on peut affirmer que cette découverte représente une grande prouesse technique.
Nobel Prize In Chemistry Since 1901 Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold 1929 Eulerchelpin, Hans Karl August Von; Harden, Sir Arthur 1930 Fischer, Hans 1931 Bergius, Friedrich; Bosch, Carl
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Chemistry since 1901 Year Winners Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Von Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Ernest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie Grignard, Victor; Sabatier, Paul Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William Willstatter, Richard Martin Haber, Fritz Nernst, Walther Hermann Soddy, Frederick Aston, Francis William Pregl, Fritz Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Svedberg, The Wieland, Heinrich Otto Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Von; Harden, Sir Arthur Fischer, Hans Bergius, Friedrich; Bosch, Carl Langmuir, Irving Urey, Harold Clayton Joliot, Frederic; Joliot-Curie, Irene Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Haworth, Sir Walter Norman; Karrer, Paul Kuhn, Richard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann; Ruzicka, Leopold De Hevesy, George Hahn, Otto Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Northrop, John Howard; Stanley, Wendell Meredith; Sumner, James Batcheller Robinson, Sir Robert Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Giauque, William Francis
Windaus Encyclopedia Topics | Jan 01, 2008; WINDAUS, ADOLF OTTO REINHOLD(b. Berlin, Germany, 25 December 1876; d. Gottingen, Germany, 9 June 1959)chemistsry.Windaus came
Alphabetical Listing Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Chemistry 1928 Wittig, Georg Chemistry 1979 Woodward, Robert Burns Chemistry 1965 W thrich, Kurt Chemistry 2002
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a country in Central Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by
Extractions: Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Discussion Ask a question about ' Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Start a new discussion about ' Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Answer questions from other users Full Discussion Forum Encyclopedia Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus German Germany Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a country in Central Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium,... chemist Chemist A chemist is a scientist trained in the science of chemistry. Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density, acidity, size and shape. Chemists carefully describe the properties they study in terms of quantities, with detail on the level of molecules and their component... who won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry Nobel Prize in Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to scientists in the various fields of chemistry. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895, awarded for outstanding contributions in chemistry, physics, literature,...
Biography-center - Letter W • Wilson Woodrow • Wilson Jr. Olin Chaddock • Wilton Joseph • Wimberley Pleasant • Winans Henry Morgan, Sr. • Winch Joel C. C. • Winchester Sarah • Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold
Extractions: Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus December 25 June 9 ) was a significant German chemist . He won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in Nobel Prize in Chemistry : Laureates (1926-1950) Svedberg Wieland Windaus Harden ... Laureates (2001- ) From Wikipedia , the Free Encyclopedia. Original article here . Support Wikipedia by contributing or donating
Extractions: zWASL=1;zGRH=1 zGCID=this.zGCID?zGCID+" test11":" test11" zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0 Home Education Chemistry Search From Todd Helmenstine zSB(3,3) Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus was a German chemist and Nobel laureate. December 25 , 1876 in Berlin, Germany June 9 Windaus was a German chemist who was awarded the 1928 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research into cholesterol and other sterols and their relation to vitamins. He discovered a chemical precursor that, when exposed to sunlight, creates vitamin D. This shows how sunlight can prevent rickets, a vitamin D deficiency. Famous Chemists Guide since 2001 Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
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