Extractions: 19th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry http://www.cs.tufts.edu/fwcg2009 The aim of this workshop is to bring together students and researchers from academia and industry, to stimulate collaboration on problems of common interest arising in geometric computations. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: Following the tradition of the previous Fall Workshops on Computational Geometry, the format of the workshop will be informal, extending over 2 days, with several breaks scheduled for discussions. To promote a free exchange of questions and research challenges, there will be a special focus on Open Problems, with a presentation on The Open Problems Project, as well as an Open Problem Session to present new open problems. Submissions are strongly encouraged to include stand-alone open problems, which will be collected into a separate webpage and considered for inclusion in The Open Problems Project. As invited speakers, we expect to have five eminent leaders in their respective fields who have witnessed first-hand the need for geometric computing and its applications. We hope that the interaction with the computational geometry community will be stimulating both to computational geometers and to those involved in applying techniques of computational geometry to other disciplines.
35.679 Computational Geometry S96 Handouts and Old Homeworks My secretary, Audrey Hayner, in JEC 6012, has copies of most old handouts, and of old graded homeworks that were not picked up in class. http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Courses/S96/35679/index.html
Extractions: Lectures: MW 3-4:20 in CC 232. List of lectures My secretary, Audrey Hayner, in JEC 6012, has copies of most old handouts, and of old graded homeworks that were not picked up in class. About the 4 online formats. Handout #1, W1-17-96 DVI Hypertext Compressed PS Prof: Wm Randolph Franklin Reading materials Grading Attendance Policy Computers Handout 2 Enrichment Material Handout #2, W1-17-96. Lee and Preparata paper, not available online. Handout #3, W1-31-96. DVI Hypertext Compressed PS Handout #4: Fortune's survey paper. Handout #5, W2-27-96.
COMP 163 Syllabus . Fundamental techniques, data structures, and algorithms for solving geometric problems such as computing convex hulls, intersection of line segments, the Voronoi diagram http://www.cs.tufts.edu/comp/163/
Extractions: COMP 163/MATH 163 Computational Geometry Spring 2008 Announcements Brief description Computational geometry is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms for solving geometric problems. Applications can be found in such fields as VLSI design, computer graphics, robotics, computer-aided design, pattern recognition, and statistics. The aim of the course will be to introduce some basic problems of computational geometry and discuss algorithms for solving these problems. The ultimate aim will be to identify general paradigms and data structures of particular importance to solving computational geometry problems, and thereby provide the participants with a solid foundation in the field. Topics Covered: Design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems. Topics include proof of lower bounds, convex hulls, searching and point location, plane sweep and arrangements of lines, Voronoi diagrams, intersection problems, decomposition and partitioning, farthest-pairs and closest-pairs, rectilinear computational geometry. PREREQUISITE : Computer Science 160 or consent.
Computational Geometry Spring 2003, Computational Geometry. Martin s Thursday, Feb 14 office hours cancelled. Book rant My apologies about the text book. http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~pless/506.html
Extractions: Book rant: My apologies about the text book. The book store, seems not to be able to commit to any specific time when this book will be available (they now say Feb 14, but admit that they don't really know). There is now a copy of the textbook available at the reserve desk in Olin Library. I will keep in mind that many of you don't have a book when I make homeworks (and, if it gets that far, exams) and will try to give pointers to related online material.
CSCE 620: Computational Geometry Class Meeting TR 935am1050am, HRBB 126 Instructor Nancy Amato office 425H Harvey R. Bright Bldg office hours Tue 2pm-3pm and Thu 11am-12pm, or by appointment http://parasol.tamu.edu/~amato/Courses/620/
Extractions: Course homepage: http://parasol.tamu.edu/~amato/Courses/620 Special Announcements [Reading] [Assignments] [Project] [Exams and Quizzes] Handouts Syllabus html Reading Assignments assignment #1: Chapter 1 in text - Introduction (week 1). assignment #2: Chapter 2 in text - Line Segment Intersection (week 2-3). assignment #3: Chapter 3 in text - Polygon Triangulation (weeks 4-5). assignment #4: Chapter 4 in text - Linear Programming (weeks 5-6). assignment #5: Chapter 5 in text - Orthogonal Range Searching (weeks 6-8). assignment #6: Chapter 6 in text - Point Location (weeks 9-10).
Computational Geometry | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Computational geometry, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Computational geometry. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Computational-geometry/103973999638238
Computational Geometry In - Dictionary And Translation Computational Geometry. Dictionary terms for Computational Geometry, definition for Computational Geometry, Thesaurus and Translations of Computational Geometry to Chinese http://www.babylon.com/definition/Computational_Geometry/
1.6 Computational Geometry Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry by Herbert Edelsbrunner Computational Geometry in C by Joseph O'Rourke Computational Geometry an introduction through randomized http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/major_section/1.6.shtml
Extractions: Minkowski Sum Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry by Herbert Edelsbrunner Computational Geometry in C by Joseph O'Rourke Computational Geometry: an introduction through randomized algorithms by K. Mulmuley Computational Geometry by F. Preparata and M. Shamos Algorithms and Data Structures with applications to graphics and geometry by J. Nievergelt and K. Hinrichs
Computational Geometry by M de Berg 1997 - Cited by 3237 - Related articles http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=261226
Extractions: Computational Geometry Code This page lists "small" pieces of geometric software available on the Internet. Most of the software is available free of charge. Unless otherwise specified, C or C++ source code is available for all programs. Software libraries and collections and programs that can be run interactively over the web are listed on separate web pages. Polygon Triangulation Computing the triangulation of a polygon is a fundamental algorithm in computational geometry. In computer graphics, polygon triangulation algorithms are widely used for tessellating curved geometries, as are described by splines. Methods of triangulation include greedy algorithms, convex hull differences and horizontal decompositions. Downloadable Software from the Geometry Center Part of the mission of the Geometry Center is to develop software tools to support the computation and visualization of mathematics. A considerable portion of the Center's efforts have gone to designing such tools, and to making them available to the mathematical and scientific communities, and to the world at large.
UNC Computational Geometry Group The Computational Geometry Group. Faculty Jack Snoeyink, Students Matthew O Meara David L. Millman Vishal Verma Shawn Brown, Past Members http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/compgeom/
Application Challenges To Computational Geometry This report assesses the opportunities and challenges this presents for the field of computational geometry in the years ahead. Can CG meet the algorithmic http://people.csail.mit.edu/seth/pubs/taskforce/techrep.html
Extractions: Next: Preamble CG IMPACT TASK FORCE REPORT With rapid advances in computer hardware and visualization systems, geometric computing is creeping into virtually every corner of science and engineering, from design and manufacturing to astrophysics to molecular biology to fluid dynamics. This report assesses the opportunities and challenges this presents for the field of computational geometry in the years ahead. Can CG meet the algorithmic needs of practitioners? Should it look to applied areas for new sources of problems? Can CG live up to its potential and become a key player in the vast and diverse world of geometric computing? These are some of the questions addressed in this document. It was prepared by a group of computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians with extensive experience in geometric computing. This report is intended as a wake-up call rather than an agenda setter. It is hoped it will engage a community-wide discussion on the future of computational geometry. This document is available as Technical Report TR-521-96, Princeton University, April 1996. It also accessible on the Web at URL
CPS 2340 COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY K. Mulmuley, Computational Geometry An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~pankaj/spring97/cps234.html
68U: Computer Graphics And Computational Geometry Aug 14, 2000 At present there is really nothing here regarding computer graphics per se; this is primarily focused on computational geometry. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/68U05.html
Extractions: POINTERS: Texts Software Web links Selected topics here At present there is really nothing here regarding computer graphics per se; this is primarily focused on computational geometry. In keeping with the general pattern of use of the Mathematics Subject Classifications, computational topics primarily focused on geometry are classified in sections 51: Geometry and 52: Convex Geometry and their subareas such as 52B: Polygons and polyhedra . This classification is intended for topics whose geometric aspects are fairly straightforward, but for which the main questions involve efficient, accurate computation. Many geometric questions arise involving large sets of points (e.g. which of these points are closest together?) which are arguably combinatorics or statistics , but we have included them here. Some problems (e.g. finding the best circle passing through some points) are considered Statistics.
Computational Geometry At Stony Brook Computational geometry is the study of efficient algorithms to solve geometric problems. The methodologies of computational geometry allow one to design and http://www.ams.stonybrook.edu/~jsbm/comp_geom/comp_geom.html
Extractions: Computational geometry is the study of efficient algorithms to solve geometric problems. The methodologies of computational geometry allow one to design and analyze algorithms for the efficient solution of numerous geometric problems that arise in application areas such as manufacturing, computer-aided design, robotics, computer vision, graphics, and cartography. Several faculty at Stony Brook are directly involved in computational geometry research projects, including: Esther M. Arkin - Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and Research Professor, Computer Science. Estie teaches the graduate courses on networks (AMS~546: Network Flows) and linear programming (AMS~540: Linear Programming). Interests include computational geometry, graph theory, approximation algorithms, network optimization, pattern recognition and OCR; Math 1-106, (631) 632-8363, estie@ams.sunysb.edu Michael A. Bender - Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering. Michael often teaches the graduate courses in algorithms (CSE~548/AMS~542: Analysis of Algorithms; CSE~648: Advanced Algorithms) Interests include algorithms, scheduling, approximation algorithms, randomizerd algorithms, computational geometry; CS~1412, (631) 632-7835, bender@cs.sunysb.edu Jie Gao - Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering. Jie often teaches courses in algorithms (CSE~548/AMS~542: Analysis of Algorithms) and Sensor Networks. Interests include sensor networks, algorithms, approximation algorithms, computational geometry; CS~1415, (631) 632-9169, jgao@cs.sunysb.edu
Wykobi Computational Geometry Library . Wykobi is an extremly efficient, robust and simple to use C++ 2D/3D oriented computational geometry library. http://www.wykobi.com/
Computational Geometry Computational geometry is the study of algorithms for solving geometric problems on a computer. The field of computational geometry is less than 20 years http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cot5520/
Extractions: Course Pre-requisite Pre-requisite: Background in Design and Analysis of Algorithms or Instructor's permission. Seniors are encouraged to take this course. Course Description and Goals Computational geometry is the study of algorithms for solving geometric problems on a computer. The field of computational geometry is less than 20 years old and a thriving community of researchers has emerged working on fundamental problems relevant to several application domains including computer graphics, solid modeling, computer generated forces,virtual reality, simulated training, computer-aided ma nufacturing, robotics, computer vision, VLSI design, CAD/CAM, geographic information systems, and statistics. The goal of the course is to teach the fundamental paradigms for designing efficient algorithms dealing with collections of geometric objects such as points, lines, line segments, planes, or higher dimensional objects. The class assignments will consist of homework problems, a midterm exam, a term project and a final exam.