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         Logic And Set Theory:     more books (100)
  1. The Structure of Proof, With Logic &Set Theory - 2001 publication by Mchal L.O'Lary, 2001-01-01
  2. Logic and Set Theory with Applications by various, 2006
  3. Trading Ontology for Ideology: The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine's Philosophy (Synthese Library) by L. Decock, 2010-11-02
  4. Set Theory and Logic. by Robert R. Stoll,
  5. Symmetric Difference: Mathematics, Set (mathematics), Exclusive or, Boolean Logic, Complement (set theory), Intersection (set theory), Commutativity, Empty ... Power Set, Vector Space, Algebra of Sets
  6. Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic: Theory and Applications in Computing by Haibin Wang, Florentin Smarandache, et all 2007-11-23
  7. Omega-Bibliography of Mathematical Logic V: Set Theory (Perspectives in Mathematical Logic) (Vol 5)
  8. Mathematical Logic: Algorithm, Set Theory, Table of Mathematical Symbols, Surreal Number, Entscheidungsproblem, Recursion
  9. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications by George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, 1995
  10. Sets, Logic, and Axiomatic Theories. 2nd Edition. by Robert Roth Stoll, 1974-01-01
  11. Sets, logic, and axiomatic theories by Robert Roth Stoll, 1974
  12. The task of set theory, mathematical logic and theory of algorithms / Metafory, kotorymi my zhivem. Per. s angl. by Lakoff, 2008
  13. Set Theory and its Logic. by Willard Van Orman. QUINE, 1978-01-01
  14. Sets, Logic, and Axiomatic Theories by robert stoll, 1961-01-01

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