Extractions: D épartementales Sommaire de cette page Questionnaire troubles apicoles Procédure de déclaration des ruches Déclaration de ruches Vigilance Cruiser ... Journée Scientifique Apicole 2009 Questionnaire troubles apicoles La FNOSAD a élaboré une application permettant de relever les cas de mortalité et autres troubles apicoles. Cette application est accessible à l'adresse suivante : http://tbvaleurs.free.fr/FNOSAD-troubles-apicoles.htm
Happymiel Les abeilles produisent partir du pollen le miel, la gel e royale mais aussi moins connu de la cire et du propolis. P sentation de diverses recettes. http://membres.multimania.fr/happymiel/
Bee The Best Oct 26, 2010 Bees are beautiful. Almost no other insects compare to its beauty. At least in Zach s eyes. You know why? Because he is a beeholder ) http://bees.msu.edu/
Extractions: passion for bees, compassion for beekeepers Almost no other insects compare to its beauty. At least in Zach's eyes. You know why? Because he is a beeholder :) Bees pollinate almost $1 billion worth of crops per year in Michigan alone. ^M Bees produce honey, which is the earliest sweet humans used. Yet it actually protects your teeth! ^M ^M ^M ^M Honey bees have a society almost as complex as our own! They cooperate, have a voting process (for swarming), everyone is born equal (in terms of becoming a queen or worker), and send their soldiers to war... ^M ^M Besides producing honey, it also produces beeswax, royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen...both royal jelly and propolis have antioxident, antitumor and antivirus properties. ^M ^M ^M ^M ^M Recent Posts Bees and MSU featured on LSJ on Monday Checking your varroa in fall Honey bee nutrition Alpine flowers in China, Part 1.
Extractions: Email: Welcome to the South African Bee Industry Organisation Website. We have loads of information which you, as a bee enthusiast or any company who relies on the bee industry, will find very useful. Joomla on osCandy.com Holdiland crÂŽateur de pc solutions web sur mesure Latest News from SABIO Thursday, 28 October 2010 The aim of this survey is to collect data on honeybee losses and their causes in order to establish a database to differentiate years of "normal" losses and years with exceptional losses. Questionaire 2010 194.93 Kb Read more... Friday, 10 September 2010 The June 2010 issue of the Southern African regional bee news letter Southern African regional bee newsletter -June 2010 499.91 Kb
Mellifica Programme de conservation et de s lection de l abeille noire. Donn es sur l cologie, la technique apicole, la g n tique, l levage de reines. Informations internationales et diverses ressources t l charger. Belgique. http://www.mellifica.be/
Home [BeeKeeping Project] Pr sentation du projet de d veloppement communautaire d un logiciel d aide la gestion d une exploitation apicole quelque soit sa taille, multi-langue, bas e sur des standards techniques ouverts et fonctionnant sur la majorit des syst mes d exploitations. http://beekeeping.tuxfamily.org
Essaim.76 Association d fenseur de l abeille noire normande Apis mellif ra mellif ra, proposant des informations g n rales sur la sauvegarde de l esp ce, des formations et des annonces. Seine-Maritime (76) et Eure (27), France. http://essaim.76.free.fr/
Heartland Apicultural Society HAS, the Heartland Apicultural Society, conducts one meeting each year for the purpose of educating beekeepers in improved management of honey bee colonies. http://heartlandbees.com/
Welcome To The Red River Apiarists' Association Provides a forum, education and networking opportunities through the dissemination of a monthly newsletter, meetings, field days, workshops and presentations by local apicultural experts. Includes membership application and meeting dates. http://www.beekeepingmanitoba.com/
HONEYBEE HOME PAGE Based in Tamagawa University, Japan. Brief description of the centre, and its publications. Links to the Asian Apicultural Association. (Japanese and English.) http://www.tamagawa.ac.jp/sisetu/gakujutu/honey/