- Modern Cryptographers: Claude Shannon
- Ingénieur Électrique: Oliver Heaviside, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Hippolyte Fontaine, George Westinghouse, Claude Shannon, Jay Miner (French Edition)
- Théorie de L'information: Stockage D'information, Histoire D'internet, Entropie, Entropie de Shannon, Schéma de Jakobson, Claude Shannon (French Edition)
- Chercheur En Communication: Pierre Lévy, Umberto Eco, Roland Barthes, Régis Debray, Marshall Mcluhan, Claude Shannon, Pierre Musso (French Edition)
- Personnalité En Compression de Données: Solomon W. Golomb, Claude Shannon, Andreï Kolmogorov, David Albert Huffman, Matt Mahoney, Phil Katz (French Edition)
- Shannon, Claude E.: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Pamela Willwerth Aue, 2002
- Scientists at Bell Labs: Claude Shannon, John Bardeen, Dennis Ritchie, Bjarne Stroustrup, Brian Kernighan, William Shockley, Robert Tarjan
- Claude Elwood Shannon: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
- Pre-Computer Cryptographers: Claude Shannon, Sir Charles Wheatstone, Max Newman, Leo Marks, Marian Rejewski, Joseph Rochefort
- American Electrical Engineers: Claude Shannon, George Westinghouse, John Bardeen, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Seymour Cray, Vannevar Bush
- Prix Claude Shannon: Solomon W. Golomb, Claude Shannon, Jacob Ziv, James Massey, Robert Fano, Robert Mceliece, Irving S. Reed (French Edition)
- Communication Theorists: Claude Shannon, Marshall Mcluhan, Roman Jakobson, Lev Vygotsky, John Searle, Harold Lasswell, Gregory Bateson
- The Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude, and Weaver, Warren Shannon, 1949
- Claude Shannon: Reluctant Father of the Digital Age