Festival: Kitesailing Informazioni sul kite sailing in Italia. http://www.aquilandiafestival.com/sailing.htm
Extractions: KITE-SAILING Il termine Kitesailing potrebbe essere tradotto "veleggiando con gli aquiloni". Si tratta infatti di uno sport che consiste nel praticare tutte le normali tecniche di navigazione a vela (traverso, lasco, bolina e poppa) in un'ampia gamma di venti, utilizzando al posto delle vele, aquiloni acrobatici per il traino di imbarcazioni leggere (generalmente trimarani). Il Kitesailing rientra in quella categoria di sport aquilonistici che vanno sotto il nome comune di POWER KITING, cio� sport che utilizzano modelli di aquiloni capaci di sviluppare una notevole forza trainante. Fin da quando � stato proposto la prima volta, � stato subito evidente che questo divertentissimo sport si sarebbe imposto rapidamente, attraendo anche persone che probabilmente non avrebbero provato interesse per l'aquilonismo acrobatico, e andando ad occupare una nicchia ricreativa simile a quella del windsurf. Dal 1987 il neozelandese Peter Lynn , un ingegnere meccanico con una lunga esperienza come consulente nelle regate dei 12 m., si dedica con grande impegno e passione alla ricerca per lo sviluppo nel settore del Kitesailing. A lui infatti si deve sia il progetto di un aquilone dal rivoluzionario profilo ellittico (il Peel) capace di sviluppare grande trazione, sia il progetto del Buggy (il triciclo con sterzo diretto utilizzato per correre sulla terraferma) e praticare quindi il BUGGYING, sia ancora quello di uno speciale trimarano (BUGGY BOAT) il cui standard adesso in commercio � il risultato della realizzazione di una quarantina di prototipi.
Home - Airplay Kitesailing Kiteboating is a site created by Don Montague about everything concering kite boat and kitesailing http://airplaykitesailing.com/
Extractions: Kitezeilen is een nieuwe extreme sport waarbij gezeild wordt met een kite in plaats van een zeil. Airplay Kitesailing ontwikkelt kitezeilsystemen die de sport veilig en makkelijk maken. Het is ons doel om de sport toegankelijk te maken zodat iedereen de sensatie kan ervaren die het kitezeilen biedt.
Kitestyle 2009 Programm. Snowkite Event Lake Silvaplana. Thursday 26th feb. 2009. 11h Competition workshop, rules and techniques on a snowkite race competition, organized by Swiss kitesailing http://www.kitesailing.ch/go/kitesailing/home/events/kitestyle.html
KiteSailing.dk Salg af drager og br t til kitesailing. http://www.kitesailing.dk/
GPA-German Parakart Kitesailing Association E. V. German Parakart Association kitesailing e.V., die Deutsche Vereinigung der Buggyfahrer informiert ber Termine, Regatten und Fahrgebiete. http://www.gpa.de/
TopKayaker.Net's To Sit-on-top Kayak Kite Sailing How to rig a parafoil kite or sail for Kayak Sailing. Original kayak sailing articles by Professionals TopKayaker.Net is your Resource for Sit On Top Kayak Guidance Gear. http://www.sit-on-topkayaking.com/articles/surfsail/kitesailing.html
POWERKITEBOAT.com Kiteboat development and kitesailing boat construction. Boats powered by kite means kiteboats are no sitting kitesurfing stuff. Boats tractioned directly by kite without the use of http://powerkiteboat.com/
I Love Kitesport In Bildern pr sentiert die Site die M glichkeiten des Sports, wie beispielsweise kitesailing mit Ski und Snowboard, Kiten mit Mountainboard oder auch Kitesurfen. Mit Kleinanzeigenrubrik, Videos und Forum. http://www.bugi.leuchtstift.ch/
Kitesailing International 2/89 kitesailing INTERNATIONAL, FEBRUARY, 1989 THE PERFECT KITE? Inventors unveil purposebuilt kitesailing powerhouse. French inventors Dominique and Bruno Legaignoux have introduced a http://www.dcss.org/speedsl/KI289.html
Extractions: FEBRUARY, 1989 French inventors Dominique and Bruno Legaignoux have introduced a radical and powerful new kite specifically for the kitesailing market. This inflated armature, curved surface kite (it's actually a "slice" of a sphere) is very light, strong and purportedly easy to control in all winds. The Legaignoux brothers build it in sizes from 7m2 to 17m2 (75-185 sq. ft.) and claim it can be launched and controlled by one man, in deep water, without assistance. The Legaignoux's bring impressive credentials to kitesailing. Past French junior sailing champions, charter boat skippers and, for the past four years, full time kite inventors and developers, the 28- and 29-year-old brothers clearly do nothing halfway. Future projects include a search for a sports manufacturer to purchase rights to and build the kite commercially; using the kite for paragliding (flying non-rigid hangliders-usually done with high efficiency parafoil wings); and developing its use over ice, snow and sand. The Legaignoux's encourage correspondence. Write to them at: 26 Chemin de Kernoter, 29000 Quimper, France.
Kitesailing International 12/88 kitesailing International Newsletter. Kite powered land and sailcraft, high speed sailing http://www.dcss.org/speedsl/KI1288.html
Extractions: December, 1988 Dan Eisaman, of Madison Heights, Michigan (USA), would be considered an unusual character in any crowd. He's certainly one of the most ambitious small boat voyagers this writer has met. The fact that he voyages under kite power might make him seem even more unusual, but it's a perfectly logical conclusion, given his personality and temperament. Dan's credo; "The most fun for the least money" fits his lifestyle. After 20 years sailing small dinghies for fun, he bought a 16 ft. Hobiecat and set out to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Turned back by the US Coast Guard (who felt the daysailing cat was "a bit small" for the attempt), Dan turned to a kite-powered 8 ft. inflatable raft and set out to cross each of America's Great Lakes. He's managed 4 of 5 so far. Dan's own words convey his unique approach best. "You see, I'm not into all these racing 'games.' When I look at a boat, I immediately start thinking of far-away places with strange sounding names; I'm not going to spend a bunch of money on a boat just to race in. I feel that speed is a useful factor, but not an end in itself. "Of course, when I tell someone I'm going across the lake in my inflatable, they wonder if I've got a screw loose. They've got the 'toy' mentality that says you can't do such things in 'toys.' I'm not going to have much to say to your subscribers who want to flash by on waterskis to impress the chickie-poos. I'm more interested in getting across the Atlantic in something I can sleep in while a kite like my 'Blue Mule' hauls away.
Kitesurfing International Safety System. KISS is the international kitesailing school qualification system. Features instructional systems, safety techniques, and instructor standards for kitesurfing schools. http://www.maui.net/~hotwind/kiss.html
Extractions: Home our Locations Accommodation Picture Gallery ... Sitemap Official Dealer AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','571','height','174','src','wakeboard','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movie','wakeboard' ); //end AC code Waterski, Wakeboarding and Kitesurfing in Sri Lanka wakeboardcamps.com is your professional partner for a whole range of pro-active water sport activities in Sri Lanka. We operate in two fantastic locations; Hikkaduwa , Sri Lanka's world-famous surf destination with its many attractions Depending on location and season we offer Water Ski Wakeboarding Wake Skating Windsurfing Kite Surfing as well as activities for the whole family like our Fun Tube Please read more about our locations and programs below or follow the links in the menu on the left Negombo In Negombo our main focus is on slalom water ski but we also offer wakeboarding, wakeskating, wind surfing, kite surfing, hydrofoiling, fun tube, kid school, barefoot
KiteSailing.dk eSeller webshop. Dette er en demoshop. Demoshoppen er fuldt funktionsdygtig, med de fleste features inkluderet. Den kan frit benyttes i 3 uger, og nsker du at beholde shoppen http://www.kitesailing.dk/Sitemap.aspx
:: Manta Kite Sailing :: Bienvenue chez Manta Kite Sailing. Le site de la navigation tract e par cerfvolant kayak, s curit , propulsion alternative. http://kitesailing.org/
Lynn Kitesailing - History History of Kite Sailing with the development of the KiteCat The history of attaching a kite to a boat has been around for many years http://www.lynnkitesailing.co.nz/history.html
Extractions: George Pocock In the 1820's Georger Pocock, of Bristol in England , developed a system using controllable kites to pull carriages, so that horses could be dispensed with. He also used this system for Kite Sailing and describes a three day cruise with family and friends in the Bristol Channel . His seminal book, “The Aeropleustic Art”, and patent records of his kites and equipment have secured his position as the “father of kite traction”. View more photos Benjmin Franklin and Samuel Franklin Cody Even prior to Pocock, kites had been used to haul sailing ships out of sheltered bays and had been proposed for shipwreck rescue. Using single line kites, Benjamin Franklin famously crossed a pond in about 1718 and Samuel Franklin Cody sailed across the English Channel in November, 1903 (above gallery) with David Thayer's proposed shipwreck rescue system to the right.
Peter Lynn Kites - Kite Sailing For more information about the Peter Lynn Kitecat and kitesailing please visit www.lynnkitesailing.co.nz http://www.peterlynnkites.com/vehicles/boats/boats.htm