Blogs - Behind The Lens - Mountain Unicycling Behind the Lens This can't be real, is what I thought when I heard from a fellow photog about a group of unicyclers who ride trails at South Mountain Park on supedup
Extractions: Forgot password? Register Now Behind the Lens Behind the Lens is a daily photo blog by the photographers of The Arizona Republic. Here, we will share staff photography, behind-the-scenes stories about the images, and give insight into how we cover the news. Opinions expressed here are the photographers' own and don't represent the views of The Arizona Republic. "This can't be real," is what I thought when I heard from a fellow photog about a group of unicyclers who ride trails at South Mountain Park on suped-up unicycles . What I found was a group of guys who have a serious passion for riding unicycles. Members of the Arizona Unicycle Club try to get out at least once a week to ride trails. They reminded me a lot of skateboarders who find an obstacle and try again and again to master the obstacle before moving on to a different challenge. Most of the video was shot with a Canon 5DMKII Digtial SLR , but a few of the clips were shot using a little GoPro camera . The GoPro is a tiny, $300 HV video camera that you can easily mount to helmets, skateboards or cars. I was really surprised by the quality of the image. The unicyclists have their arms stretched out for balance while riding, so I had one of them hold the camera while he was going down a particularly rugged part of trail to try and give the viewer a sense of what's it's like to be in the rider's seat.
Mountain Unicycling Unicycles and spares Mountain Unicycling. Mountain unicycling (MUni) is an emerging adventure sport that consists of traversing rough terrain on a unicycle.
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