Extractions: The mountainboarding centre at Ivyleaf opened in 2004 with the help of many people,including local rider Richie Heard and the guys from Extreme Academy in Watergate Bay. We have top instructors on a top course, catering for all abilities from the age of 8 upwards. All of our Instructors hold the ATBA-UK Instructors Certificate and are fully trained in 1st Aid. We are an ATBA-UK Instructor Training Centre, courses are run by Alex Boardman, ATBA-UK Instructor Assessor. monkeydevil
Another World Mountain Boarding Centre In The UK another world, mountainboarding centre in the UK, mountainboards, all terrain boards, snowboards, snow skiing, extreme sports, extreme activities http://www.mountainboarding.co.uk/intro.htm
World Wide Words: Mountainboarding Explaining the meaning and the story behind the term 'mountainboarding'. http://www.worldwidewords.org/turnsofphrase/tp-mou1.htm
Extractions: Jump to content TURNS OF PHRASE HOME PAGE This section PREVIOUS PAGE IN SECTION NEXT PAGE IN SECTION Section indexes ARTICLES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS REVIEWS TOPICAL WORDS ... WEIRD WORDS Free weekly e-magazine E-MAGAZINE HOME PAGE Ancillary pages AFFIXES DICTIONARY OTHER WORDS SITES PRONUNCIATION GUIDE SUPPORT THIS SITE Author links ABOUT ME MY RECENT BOOKS CONTACT ME Finding things COMPLETE INDEX SURPRISE ME! MOUNTAINBOARDING mountainboard outbackboards grassboards and dirtboards . Several designs have been produced under this name by various innovators in recent years, some with the wheels in-line, others with them set side-by-side. Sunday River mountainboarding instructor Braden Douglass, 16, believes mountainboarding will catch on at ski resorts, just like mountain biking did more than a decade ago. AP Online , July 2000 Independent on Sunday , July 2000 for notes about linking to and reusing this page. For help in viewing the site, see the technical FAQ . Your comments, corrections and suggestions are always welcome. Page created 12 Aug. 2000
Al's Likkle World A guide to windsurfing, kite-surfing, kite-mountainboarding, surfing and other extreme sports in West Wales and beyond. http://website.lineone.net/~justal/WebPage/
Extractions: Mountainboarding in New Zealand is no longer a 'new' sport. It is however still very much a minority sport. A lot of riders prefer it this way. They feel that they have something that they enjoy and don't really mind if others don't have much of an idea what its all about. Why not keep this great little secret to themselves? Hey, thats one way to look at it and thats OK. However, many of us can see that if mountainboarding gets known a little better out there, riders can only benefit. More interested people mean more chances that new riding areas will be opened up. More awareness with the general public could mean more sponsorship oppportunities to help with competitions and other demonstration events. Those involved with this site are committed to building the profile of mountainboarding in New Zealand. Lets get people into it - give kids (and big kids too) an alternative cross-over sport that compliments the skills of skating, snowboarding and surfing. Ever wondered just how to do that 'backside air to fakie'?
Activity Workshop - Mountain Boarding The mountain boarding section of the Activity Workshop, giving a brief guide for beginners http://activityworkshop.net/mountainboarding/index.html
Extractions: top Skydiving Helicopter flying Snowboarding ... Canoeing Mountain Boarding Lacrosse Land Yachting Hiking Electronics ... Rants A bit of a clumsy name for a sport, I'll readily admit. Mountain boarding ? Also known as 'all-terrain boarding', or perhaps 'grass boarding'. Or pretty much anything you like, noone's heard of it so you'll have to explain what you mean anyway. So what is it? Well, imagine a skateboard, but made longer, and instead of having small plastic wheels mounted underneath, put a springy metal chassis underneath to support big metal tyred wheels at each corner. OK? Right, now put footstraps on it, find a grassy hill, and launch yourself down the fall line. But I recommend you get some elbow / knee / wrist / head protection first, because this is going to hurt. It was Summer99, and myself and Foxy Andy were pining for the snows. So in search of that elusive 'board-riding' feeling, when we heard of this new-fangled All- terrain boarding thing, we just had to give it a whirl. There aren't many places that have heard of it, but we found one at Stubbers Adventure Centre (see links later), in Essex, UK.
YouTube - Mountainboarding This is my second mountainboarding video from NZ filmed by Flynn Acworth and edited by Theo Acworth enjoy feedback appreciated! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnQZsFNStLw
WELCOME TO MBA-MOUNTAINBOARDS.IT Laboratorio di Davide, appassionato di sport estremi e costruttore di tavole da Mountainboard. http://www.mba-mountainboards.it
Mountain Boarding In Northern Ireland - Outdoor NI Lose yourself in the thrill and adrenalin of mountain boarding in Northern Ireland it's such a rush! This is one to get your pulses racing! http://www.outdoorni.com/a36_Mountain_Boarding.aspx
Extractions: A Boarderzone Magyarország legrégebbi és legnagyobb mountainboard boltja. Nem csak áruljuk a mountainboardokat, longboardokat, alkatrészeket és protektorokat, hanem szakmai tanácsadással is szívesen szolgálunk az érdeklődőknek, vásárlóknak, mivel mi magunk is űzzük már jó ideje a deszkás sportokat. Boarderzone - Tíz éve a világot jelentő deszkákon! Lehet még jelentkezni a Boarderzone Photo Sessionre! Részletek a Photo Session menüpont alatt! Boarderzone Mountainboard Webshop Mountainboardok Longboardok Alkatrészek Protektorok ... Kellékek A bevásárlókosara jelenleg üres. Felhasználónév Emlékezzen rám Szerverváltás 2010. október 30. szombat, 13:09 Kedves Látogatók! Az elmúlt napokban az Boarderzone oldala helyett hibaüzenet szerűséget tapasztalhattatok. Ennek oka az volt, hogy a szolgáltatónk kérte, hogy költöztessük át az oldalt egy másik szerverükre, mert a régit megszüntetik. Ez sajnos nem zajlott zökkenőmentesen, és a kért segítség lassan jött meg, de mint láthatjátok, már rendesen működik weboldalunk. A szerverváltásnak köszönhetően viszont - ígéret szerint - gyorsabb és stabilabb működést tapasztalhattok majd. Fontos megemlíteni még, hogy a fentiek miatt a héten az emailjeink se mindig működtek megfelelően, ezért azt kérnénk, hogy aki az elmúlt héten levelet, üzenetet írt nekünk és nem kapott választ, kérjük küldje el mégegyszer!
Learn Mountain Boarding - FindSportsNow Learn Mountain Boarding. Learn about Mountain Boarding history, training, equipment, terminology, and more! http://www.findsportsnow.com/learn/mountain-boarding
Extractions: Sign Up RSS Feeds Advanced Search Already a member? Forgot Password? Remember Me? Learn Mountain Boarding Mountain Boarding "No snow, no problem." Mountain Boarding (also known as Dirt Boarding and All-Terrain Boarding [ATB])is a sport derived from snow boarding. A mountain board is similar to an enlarged skateboard. Overview Mountain boarding is a warm-weather version of snowboarding, which shares many similarities with skateboarding. Riders use a long skateboard with big inflatable tires to perform tricks on ramps, or to traverse rough and rocky, downhill terrain. Though still considered a fringe sport, mountain boarding is growing in popularity, and is played by millions throughout the world. Goal of Mountain Boarding Ride an enlarged, modified skateboard to perform tricks or traverse rugged terrain. Rules of Mountain Boarding There are no written or standardized rules for mountain boarding, except those created specifically for individual competitions. There are however, certain restrictions on where mountain boarders can ride. History of Mountain Boarding Mountain boarding was originally created in the 1970's as a sport that could take advantage of ski trails during warmer months. As the popularity of other board sports grew, so too did mountain boarding. Soon after, boards were being designed and made specifically for mountain boarding. By 1993, the first organized competitions were held in the United States. Today the sport is played by millions around the world, and is the subject of several national and international competitions.
Extractions: AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0','width','712','height','290','id','mtboard_logo','align','middle','src','mtboard_photos/mtboard_logo','quality','high','bgcolor','#040033','name','mtboard_logo','allowscriptaccess','sameDomain','pluginspage','http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer','movie','mtboard_photos/mtboard_logo' ); //end AC code Mountain Boarding is Cool! Campers entering the 6th grade and older can schedule as much time at the mountainboarding activity as they want. Hey, it's an elective program! And don't forget, mountainboarding is only 1 of the 65+ activities kids enjoy everyday at... Camp Lohikan! Details: Home Camper Application Camp Director 1st Time Camper Program ... Contact Us