Sochi 2014 Russia s bid to host the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
Extractions: XXII Olympic Winter Games 7 - 23 february 1193 days left XI Paralympic Winter Games 7 - 16 march 1221 days left Search 14 october 2010 As Sochi 2014 reaches the midway mark in its preparations for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission paid its fourth visit to the Russian host city from 12 to 14 October. Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee volunteers have taken part in a project to replant endangered plants away from the zone of Olympic construction. The Russian delegation presented a report on preparations for the Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games at the 17 th General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).
HKPARALYMPIC.ORG Contains history, events, press releases, newsletter, and related links. In English and Chinese.
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Dory Selinger USA Paralympic Cyclist!! Official site provides profile, racing history, photos, news, videos, and sponsors for this Paralympic cyclist from the US.
Extractions: The Darryl Green Memorial Fund You can help the family of Darryl Green by giving to the Darryl Green Memorial Fund. Darryl, a goalball athlete from Philadelphia, was killed in a hit-and-run on June 3, while attending the USABA Goalball National Championships in St. Augustine, Florida. Please help the family deal with this tragic loss by donating to the Darryl Green Memorial Fund today. Read the full story on our Latest News page now. Why Are We Here? This site is here to grow and promote the Paralympic sport of Goalballacross the United States of America. Come on in! You can join the USA Goalball Discussion List to ask questions and meet other players, coaches, and goalball enthusiasts. Read our What IS Goalball page to learn about this highly competitive Paralympic sport played by men and women, boys and girls, who are blind or visually impaired. This great sport might already have teams playing in your community right now. Check out the How To sections on playing or starting a team. Solid information awaits all who want to learn more. Even if there is not yet a team playing goalball in your area, you can start playing as an individual, or start a team in your area. The information and resources you'll need are here for you on and through this Web site.
ITTF Para Table Tennis Pictures and information about tournaments, players, rules, and selections.
IRISH DISABLED SAILING ASSOCIATION Membership and costs, descriptions of boats for the disabled, newsletter and events updates, and the basics of paralympic sailing from this instructional organization.
Telopea Amateur Swimming Club Inc Located in Canberra. Features details of world record holders, paralympic medallists, world championship medallists and Australian champions who are past and present members.
Extractions: Invest in Olympic Athens This comprehensive section of INVgr contains links, business intelligence, company profiles, key contacts, interviews, investment opportunities and information on tenders related to the 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games and post-Olympic Athens infrastructure projects Prior to, during and after the Athens 2004 Olympics, this very popular section of INVgr has been one of the most comprehensive sources of on-line business information on the Athens Olympics. INVgr has had the pleasure of assisting numerous international companies, entrepreneurs, professionals and individuals from around the world with their special requests in view of taking advantage of the greatest celebration on earth and its post-Olympic business, development, investment and partnership opportunities... Exploiting the legacy Greece has acquired as a result of the Olympic Games "We are exploiting the legacy our country has acquired as a result of the Olympic Games, in order to attract foreign investment, to boost our exports, to reinforce the tourist flows to our country. Already, the first signs for tourism are very optimistic and their confirmation will contribute effectively to the achievement of the growth rates forecast in the new budget. Greece, as a recent survey points out, is being significantly upgraded compared with its tourism competitors. We Greeks proved to all that our country offers high-level hospitality and security to all its visitors. We proved to the whole world the abilities and capabilities of our society. We attained international exposure, know-how, and experience."
Quebec Wheelchair Sports Association Information on the association, wheelchair sports and fund-raising campaigns in French and English. French section includes the Paralympic Games, calendar and results.
Polski Komitet Paraolimpijski PKPar zajmuje si organizacj , upowszechnianiem i dzia alno ci na rzecz rozwoju sportu os b niepe nosprawnych. Aktualno ci, w adze, historia i cele, kalendarz imprez. Relacje z igrzysk, pocz wszy od Sydney 2000.
Error 404 - Le Comit International Paralympique (IPC) pr sente l histoire des jeux est ses actions.
Extractions: window.location = ""; 8-24 août 2008 Le site officiel des Jeux olympiques de Beijing 2008 La brève histoire du mouvement paralympique Le Comité international paralympique (CIP) a été fondé en 1989. [suite] Liu Qi supervise l’expérimentation du village olympique et paralympique Ultimes vérifications pour les Jeux Paralympiques Basketball en fauteuil roulant : l'Afrique du Sud s'entraîne pour les JP La cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux paralympiques mettra en exergue le thème « la vie » ... Un doute sur le bénévolat olympique? Posez vos questions au BOCOG