Extractions: Le partite rimanenti tra il gruppo di Saronno e quello di Ferrara sono proseguite il giorno seguente, con i Pollux che vengono superati da tutte le squadre ferraresi, mentre i Castor riescono ad avere la meglio anche su Peanuts e Wildnuts. In mezzo a queste partite, inoltre, si sono disputati i match tra Limbiate Titans, Limbiate Vipers e Asti Atomik TB: dopo il combattutissimo pareggio nel derby tra le due squadre di Limbiate, Asti Atomik ha superato i Vipers, perdendo infine con i Titans nell'ultima partita di giornata. Alla luce di questi risultati, la classifica vede in testa Saronno Castor con sei punti (ma con una partita in pi� rispetto alle inseguitrici), seguiti da Limbiate Titans a tre punti; a quota due punti si trovano Asti Atomik TB e le tre ferraresi Allnuts, Peanuts e Wildnuts, a precedere i Vipers che hanno ottenuto un unico punto. Infine, chiudono la classifica, ancora a secco di punti, Saronno Pollux, Rovello Sgavisc e Gerenzano Sisma Salus, con le ultime due squadre che non hanno ancora disputato alcuna partita, ma che esordiranno il 7 novembre negli incontri con le due squadre di Saronno.
TBAS | Tchoukball Association Of Singapore TBAS Training Programme 2010 – Updated 20 Aug 10. TBAS will be resuming the above training programme on every Thursday night (Women/Girls) and Saturday morning (Men/Boys http://www.tchoukball.org.sg/
Extractions: AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','900','height','50','src','flash/menu.swf','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movie','fiash/menu.swf' ); //end AC code News TBAS Training Programme 2010 � Updated 20 Aug 10 TBAS will be resuming the above training programme on every Thursday night (Women/Girls) and Saturday morning (Men/Boys) in the month of Sept 2010. This training programme is open to any players interested to improve their skills. Please email contactus@tchoukball.org.sg for more information.
Extractions: tchoukball club Vous êtes ici : accueil Accueil Vacances scolaires 19 October 2010 Durant les vacances scolaires (du 18 au 29 octobre 2010), les entraînements junior M12 et M15 sont annulés. Pour les entraînements adultes, se référer au calendrier Plus Entraînements Parcours Vita 5 September 2010 Hello tout le monde ! voici le temps de la rentrée sportive ! Afin de reprendre les entraînements dans les meilleures conditions possibles, je vous propose de participer à un entraînement de course à pied les mardi soir de 19h30 à 20h30 Plus La suisse championne d'Europe 30 August 2010 Ce dimanche 29 août se sont déroulées les finales des championnats d'europe de tchoukball. Les joueurs et joueuses helvétiques ont su présenter leur meilleur jeu et ont remporté le titre dans les catégories masculine et féminine de la compétition. Pour plus d'informations : www.tchoukball.ch Défense suisse face à l'équipe italienne Plus Ce site est propulsé par CMS Made Simple
Extractions: Welcome to TchoukballPromo.com! U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-939-0273 International: +1-630-369-4038 Fax: 1-877-939-7033 To Smile and To Grow Together with Tchoukball! Tchoukball (pronounced "chookball" or "chukeball") changes the way Physical Education is taught by promoting game aspects that validate important physical education principles such as: with tremendous fun! We accept major credit cards, however, Purchase Orders (PO) are welcome! Read why students love the game of Tchoukball Read why students love the game of Tchoukball. Read their comments on-line!! more... Official Providers of Tchoukball Equipement Other Official providers of U.S.TB.A. Certified Tchoukball Product specifically designed to play the game of Tchoukball more... NEW Tchoukball Forum Do you want to share your ideas, experiences, etc, please visit our forum and feel free to post any news that you want to share with you peers more...
Extractions: FITB EUROPEAN TCHOUKBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 Wednesday, 30 June 2010 19:30 Tchoukball UK is proud to be hosting the FITB European Tchoukball Championships 2010. Europe's best players will visit Britain for three days of top level competition at the end of August. It promises to be a fantastic spectacle and demonstration of tchoukball at its best. Great Britain, Switzerland and Italy are ranked in the top five countries in the world – while relative newcomers Germany, Poland and Austria have shown they are strong contenders. The Championships are being held at thePoint4 centre in Hereford in the West Midlands. thePoint4 is a new multi-million sports complex and has everything needed for an elite competition. Click here to find out more about thePoint4 centre and its facilities. The event is more than just an international tchoukball tournament though. Alongside the Championships, we have been working closely with the
Rules Of Tchoukball 1.1) The recommended playing area is a 40m x 20m rectangle; it comprises a playing area and two forbidden zones. (A 30m x 15m rextangle is the minimum recommended for two full http://members.tripod.com/snake_plissken1/bedfordtchoukballclub/id10.html
Extractions: var animation_p1="Rules"; THE RULES OF TCHOUKBALL 1) THE PLAYING AREA 1.1) The recommended playing area is a 40m x 20m rectangle; it comprises a playing area and two forbidden zones. (A 30m x 15m rextangle is the minimum recommended for two full teams.) 1.2) The long sides are known as the side lines and the short sides as the base lines. 1.3) The "forbidden" zone is semi-circular in shape, with a 3m radius measure from the centre of each base line. 1.4) The front base of the rebound net is positioned in the middle of the diameter of this zone. 1.5) All lines form part of the line they delineate. They should be clearly visible and measure 5cm in width. 1.6) It is recommended that there will be a 2m clear area around the playing area. 1.7) Frames must conform to F.I.T.B. standards.
Tchoukball | T. Litzen Sports Ltd. How to Play tchoukball The rebound surfaces (frames), which can be used by both teams, are placed at each end of the court, and each one is within a semicircle line, with a 3 meter http://www.tlitzen.com/equipment/tchoukball
Extractions: View our special Tchoukball 2009 flyer by clicking here kit #TCHKIT sold as a pair. pr External dimensions are 1m X 1m. Net is held by 52 steel hooks spread uniformly around the frame. Sold as a pair. pr External dimensions are 1m X 1m. Single central bar allows adjustments of angle for training purposes. Sold as a pair.
Tchoukball This is a great game that stresses teamwork and cooperation and requires players to anticipate ball movement. This game could be played in grades 712. http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=18515
TBAS | Tchoukball Association Of Singapore TBAS Recommended Coaches Coaching Fee Guideline Available Coaching Courses Introduction to tchoukball Workshop FITB tchoukball “C” Licence Coaching Courses http://www.tchoukball.org.sg/coaches.html
Tchoukball Manager 200811-30 213 pm The first tchoukball Manager season ends today. Here are the winners of the Swiss and Italian championchips - Italy Fergy, Mangiabambini, who defeated http://www.tchoukballmanager.com/
Extractions: - Switzerland: Val-de-Ruz hasn't lost a single game. A good omen. Let's wait and see how that evolves! Welcome to Tchoukball Manager , the first tchoukball management game ! It has be created to allow you to relax a bit. For playing you simply need an internet connection. One acces per day is enough to become the best tchoukball trainer ever.
Tchoukball Club Sion Pr sentation de ce sport et du club; informe sur les entra nements et les r gles. http://www.tchoukball-club-sion.ch
Extractions: Total Vous ne connaissez pas le TCHOUKBALL Remédiez rapidement à cette grave lacune en choisissant une équipe et en venant tester gratuitement trois entraînements! Le TCHOUKBALL est un sport non violent et fair-play . Il convient à tout le monde , quel que soit l'âge, la condition physique, homme ou femme, garçon ou fille. Inventé par le Dr Hermann Brandt de Genève, le TCHOUKBALL vise la santé du corps, mais aussi celle de l'esprit. Le respect de l'adversaire est avant toute chose une vertu première de ce jeu, puis vient l'aspect tactique. Tout ça dans la joie et la bonne humeur! Avec d'inévitables gouttes de sueur bien sûr... Alors à bientôt! contact LES ENTRAÎNEMENTS: De 8 à 14 ans : mardi de 17h 00 à 18h 30 (salle de gymn de Platta) 14 ans et plus : mercredis de 19h 00 à 20h 30 (salle de gymn de Platta) Adultes : mardis de 18h 30 à 20h (salle de gymn de Platta) Reprise des cours les 7 et 8 septembre 2010.
Tchoukball Information about the sport of tchoukball, the rules and where to play in Norfolk http://www.activenorfolk.org/page.asp?section=536§ionTitle=Tchoukball
Tchoukball Nov hra lakrosov ho typu pro chlapce i d v ata. Pravidla, princip a fotografie. http://tchoukballove.misto.cz/
Pompey Tchoukball Club Homepage Portsmouth tchoukball Club website Portsmouth tchoukball Club was formed in 2005 by exCowplain and ex-St. Lukes players. http://pompey-tchoukball.org.uk/
Swiss Federation Of Tchoukball | Home : tchoukball Sport pour tous. venez decouvrir ce nouveau sport qui est le sport de demain. Site de la Federation Suisse de tchoukball. site officiel de la FSTB. (en fran ais http://www.tchoukball.ch/index.php?langchange=En&menuselection=3&smenuse
Tchoukball tchoukball Metro DC League Bethesda MD Tchouk What? tchoukball is a noncontact team sport, that uses physical skills such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching. http://home.comcast.net/~tchoukball/
Extractions: We are exploring possibilities on Capitol Hill, but nothing is set yet. We will teach you everything that you need to know to enjoy the game. Wear gym shoes, shorts and a t-shirt. Some people find soft knee pads helpfull. Our Friday night games have attracted teens and adults of all ages, both men and women. This is a team sport that involves running, jumping, and throwing a ball. There is no physical contact and no direct conflict between players. As with most sports, what you will get out of the experience is dependent upon what you put into it. More?
Swiss Federation Of Tchoukball | Home : tchoukball Sport pour tous. venez decouvrir ce nouveau sport qui est le sport de demain. Site de la Federation Suisse de tchoukball. site officiel de la FSTB. (en fran ais http://www.tchoukball.ch/index.php?langchange=En&menuselection=11&smenus
YouTube - Tchoukball - The Fastest Handball Sport In The World!!! Welcome to tchoukball! tchoukball is a new and exciting sport that is helping people all over the world get fit and stay injuryfree. Enjoy the video and get in touch with us http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxjaZ6WARwk
Tchoukball-A Guide How to play tchoukball Home. Why Play? Tactics. Rules tchoukball Rules. There are certain rules beyond the basic point scoring system described in tactics which every http://www.playtchoukball.com/rules.htm
Extractions: Play Tchoukball Home Why Play? Tactics Rules There are certain rules beyond the basic point scoring system described in tactics which every tchoukball player should be aware of, for example foul moves which would result in loss of possesion. Following is a list of rules including foul moves: - No player can stand in the 'D' with the ball, although it is allowed to be airborne. A foul results in the opposing team gaining possesion at the site of the foul. This team must then make one pass before they can shoot at goal. After a point is scored the other team restarts the game behind the scoring frame. The list of rules and tactics in tchoukball is short and simple to learn so making for a fast flowing game which is demanding enough for every level of player, from beginner to professional!