Xkcd • Information 10 posts 4 authors - Last post Aug 1I do understand it but I don t see how it relates to my proof of the twin prime conjecture. Because it points out an error in the so-called http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=62848&start=40
Twin Primes Conjecture Unsolved Problem 2 Are there an infinite number of twin primes? A prime number is an integer larger than 1 that has no divisors other than 1 and itself. http://cage.ugent.be/~hvernaev/problems/Problem2.html
Extractions: Twin primes are two prime numbers that differ by 2. For example, 17 and 19 are twin primes. Each week, for your edification, we publish a well-known unsolved mathematics problem. These postings are intended to inform you of some of the difficult, yet interesting, problems that mathematicians are investigating. We do not suggest that you tackle these problems, since mathematicians have been unsuccessfully working on these problems for many years. general references
Page 012 Jun 17, 2003 The twin prime conjecture and extensions of Chen s theorem Link . . from the dtwin prime conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood. http://www.math.utoledo.edu/~jevard/Page012.htm
Math Forum Discussions The Twin Primes Conjecture is based on a theory that does not include possibly contradictory extra axioms. You have not solved the Twin Primes Conjecture, you have just constructed http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?messageID=7128191&tstart=0
Sci.math FAQ: Unsolved Problems * Collatz Problem * Goldbach's conjecture * Twin primes conjecture _ Names of large numbers http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci-math-faq/unsolvedproblems/
Answers.com - Has The Twin-prime Conjecture Been Proved Has the twin prime conjecture been proved? God is a mathematician prove it! Best of luck from pete mcclure see geometrical/mathematical art. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Has_the_twin-prime_conjecture_been_proved
Math.sfsu.edu Ancient Babylonian math (~ 3500 BC) Wir muessen wissen, wir werden wissen! Twin primes conjecture http://math.sfsu.edu/gubeladze/miscellaneous/miscellaneous.html
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Prime Number Breakthrough Apr 4, 2003 The advance is related to an idea called the twin prime conjecture. This idea, still unproved, is that there are an infinite number of pairs http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2911945.stm
Extractions: Each one a prime A pair of mathematicians has made a breakthrough in understanding so-called prime numbers, numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one. Other mathematicians have described the advance as the most important in the field in decades. It was made by Dan Goldston, of San Jose State University, and Cem Yildirim, of Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey. It has just been announced at a conference in Germany on Algorithmic Number Theory. The advance is related to an idea called the twin prime conjecture. This idea, still unproved, is that there are an infinite number of pairs of prime numbers that differ only by two.
The Shame Of It The Twin Primes Conjecture is one of those mathematical riddles that as far as we know has no practical applications, whose fame rests purely on the fact that it is easy to http://www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_05_03.html
Extractions: May 2003 I am sure I am not the only mathematician who has had to hang my head in shame at the sloppy behavior of my colleagues who announce major results that they subsequently have to withdraw when it is discovered that they have made a mistake. We expect high school students to make mistakes on their math homework, but highly paid professionals with math Ph.D.s are surely supposed to be beyond that, aren't they? The rot set in 1993, when Andrew Wiles was forced to withdraw his dramatic claim to have proved Fermat's Last Theorem. His subsequent discovery of a correct proof several months later hardly served to make up for the dreadful example he had set to an entire generation of potential future mathematicians, who followed the "has he, hasn't he?" activities from their high school math classrooms. Then, this year, we have the entire mathematical profession admitting that they are not yet sure that Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman's claimed proof of the Poincare Conjecture is correct or not months after he first posted details on the Internet. Surely, any math teacher can tell in ten minutes whether a solution to a math problem is right or wrong! What are my professional math colleagues playing at? Come on folks, it's a simple enough question. Is his math right or wrong? Now we have American mathematician Daniel Goldston and Turkish mathematician Cem Yildirim admitting that their recently claimed major advance on the famous Twin Primes Conjecture has a flaw that they are not yet able to fix. A result that many of the world's leading mathematicians had already declared to be one of the most significant breakthroughs in number theory in the past fifty years. Can't all those experts tell whether a solution to a math problem is right or wrong any more? Have standards fallen so low, not only among students but the mathematics professoriate as well?
Twin Prime Conjecture - Martin C. Winer Sep 1, 2010 A longstanding hobby of mine is the pursuit of the twin prime conjecture. That is are there infinitely many primes which are two apart? http://www.martincwiner.com/tag/twin-prime-conjecture/
Extractions: http://www.rankyouragent.com/primes/primes.htm ... Toronto Plastic Bag Research Full of Holes Toronto Plastic Bag Research Full of Holes Martin C. Winer The City of Toronto has undertaken a goal of 70% waste diversion from landfill. In order to achieve this goal, City Council asked staff to prepare a report [1] which considers plastic bags along with several other ‘target materials’. Insofar...... Notes: Lost in the Meritocracy - Walter Kirn Walter Kirn on The Colbert Report (Canadian Link): http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/the-colbert-report/full-episodes/#clip174780 Walter Kirn on The Colbert Report (USA Link): http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/228190/may-19-2009/walter-kirn Notes and Excerpts: "Marine's [Marine, Minnesota] elementary school was on a hill. It was the largest man-made structure in town, one of the newest, and by far the ugliest. Shape: rectangular. ...... The Ancient Roots of Injustice PDF Version: AncientInjustice.pdf Growing up, my Jewish education consisted of an after school program (‘cheider’ to the Yiddish inclined) while I attended public school by day. On my walk to Hebrew School I would often try to marry the two bodies of knowledge from the two respective school systems. ......
DefiniteIntegral Twin prime conjecture Twin primes conjecture (English) Search for Twin prime conjecture OR Twin primes conjecture in NRICH PLUS maths.org Google http://pan.maths.org:8180/mmkb/entry.html?action=entryById&id=891
Re: Twin Primes Conjecture Jan 30, 2010 There can be an infinitude of twin primes only if FollowUps Re Twin Primes Conjecture. From alainverghote@xxxxxxxxx. References http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.math/2010-01/msg02038.html
Unsolved Problems Unsolved Problem 2 (Twin Primes Conjecture) Are there an infinite number of twin primes? A prime number is an integer larger than 1 that has no divisors other than 1 and itself http://2000clicks.com/MathHelp/PuzzleUnsolved.aspx
Information 16 posts 4 authors - Last post Aug 5ELEMENTARY PROOF OF THE TWIN PRIME CONJECTURE USING THE LITTLE KNOWN SUNDARAM S SIEVE Author Mr. Ayodeji Awojobi Prime Numbers (or Primes) http://www.mymathforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=15211