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41. Brown Cloud | Define Brown Cloud At Dictionary.com Main Entry brown cloud Part of Speech n Definition a thick large and persistent mass of water vapor and air pollution forming in the atmosphere; an instance of such clouds http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/brown cloud?qsrc=2446 |
42. Asian Brown Cloud - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Asian brown cloud is a layer of air pollution that covers parts of South Asia, namely the northern Indian Ocean, India, and Pakistan Viewed from satellite photos, the cloud http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_brown_haze | |
43. Asian Brown Cloud - Impact Study Major Environmental Issues in Asia and the Pacific Impact Study The Atmospheric Brown Cloud Climate and other Environmental Impacts http://www.rrcap.unep.org/issues/air/impactstudy/index.cfm |
44. Study Pinpoints Main Source Of Asia's Brown Cloud - The New York Times Feb 05, 2009 Study pinpoints main source of Asia's brown cloud By Henry Fountain Published Thursday, February 5, 2009 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/25/world/asia/25iht-brown.1.19648250.html |
45. The Asian Brown Cloud Earth Day Network 1616 P Street NW, Suite 340 y Washington, DC 20036 (P) 202518-0044 y (F) 202-518-8794 www.earthday.net/education y education@earthday.net 1 The Asian Brown Cloud By http://www.earthday.net/ednnoidle/Asian_brown_cloud_Lesson_Plan.pdf |
46. Science Netlinks: Science Updates Send us feedback . Asian Brown Cloud. Introduction. In developing areas of the world, including parts of Asia, rapid industrialization has brought about more cars, more factories, and http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/sci_update.php?DocID=82 |
47. 'Brown Cloud' Stifles South Asia - CBS News Aug 12, 2002 Scientists Warn That Blanket Of Pollution Threatens Millions LONDON, August 12, 2002 'Brown Cloud' Stifles South Asia Scientists Warn That Blanket Of Pollution Threatens http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/08/12/health/main518323.shtml |
48. Atmospheric Brown Cloud Atmospheric Brown Cloud. The Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) carried out in February 1999 in the islands of the Maldives revealed a 3 kmthick toxic umbrella, or ‘Brown Cloud http://www.icimod.org/?page=152 |
49. Deadly ‘brown Cloud’ Over South Asia Caused By Wood And Dung Burning Long a subject of debate, the cause of the infamous brown cloud that hovers over the Indian Ocean and South Asia every winter has finally been discovered. Researchers led by Dr http://news.mongabay.com/2009/0123-hance_browncloud.html | |
50. USATODAY.com - Decade After 'brown Cloud,' Denver's Air Clears Decade after 'brown cloud,' Denver's air clears DENVER (AP) — Ten years ago, air pollution used to hang over Denver like a layer of tar paper, sometimes obscuring the foothills http://www.usatoday.com/weather/news/2002/2002-08-10-denver-smog.htm | |
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