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1. Cristiana Pegoraro, Pianist, CRISTIANA PEGORARO: - ZoomInfo Business Information View Cristiana Pegoraro professional background on ZoomInfo, the largest index of people in business in the world. Find who youre looking for at ZoomInfo http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Pegoraro_Cristiana_119688596.aspx | |
2. CRISTIANA PEGORARO Official WebSite Entra http://www.cristianapegoraro.com/ | |
3. Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztivál 2004 Pegoraro, Cristiana Per nyi, Mikl s Pesk , Zolt n Peter Bruns P ter Csaba P ter E tv s P ter Nagy Peter Prommel P teri, Judit Petersen Quartet http://www.festivalcity.hu/btf2004/?t=hkl&l=en |
4. Butch Pegoraro, Â Golf Professional, Forest Hills Country Club: - ZoomInfo Busi Pegoraro, Cristiana CRISTIANA PEGORARO Pegoraro, Daniel Cornell University Pegoraro, Deanna Kiferbaum Construction Corp. http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Pegoraro_Butch_1520126776.aspx | |
5. Castelli Del Ducato Di Parma E Piacenza pegoraro cristiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20/12/68 (pd) da veaa816005 i. c. aldo moro (campagna lupia) a pdaa890001 - xiv di padova galilei http://www.castellidelducato.it/CastelliDelDucato/viewSingleCulturalEvent.action |
6. Voorraad.hemisphere.nl Pegoraro, Cristiana Beethoven Sonatas CD Pelletier, Bruno Defaire L Amour CD Pelletier, Claire Murmures D Histoire CD Peluso Malgre Tout CD Pelvic Thrust Lunar Madness 7 http://voorraad.hemisphere.nl/indexp.htm |
8. YouTube - Cristiana Pegoraro In Bahrain Astor Piazzolla Tango Chau Paris arranged for piano by Cristiana Pegoraro. Cristiana Pegoraro performing at the Italian Festival in Manama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2F9DYSJ3JE |
9. Cristiana Pegoraro - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Cristiana Pegoraro CRISTIANA PEGORARO WILL PERFORM ALL 32 BEETHOVEN. SONATAS FOR PIANO IN GERMANY AND ITALY Cristiana Pegoraro is the first female Italian pianist to execute http://www.123people.com/s/cristiana pegoraro |
10. Piano Music - BEETHOVEN, L. Van / MENDELSSOHN, Felix / BRAHMS, J. / LISZT, F. / Bax, Alessio, piano • Berezovsky, Boris, piano • Engerer, Brigitte, piano • Pegoraro, Cristiana, piano • Wallisch, Gottlieb, piano • Stancul, Jasminka, piano • Lugansky http://www.classicsonline.com/catalogue/product.aspx?pid=993879 |
11. Watch Youtube Music Videos, Artist Video Interviews, Live Sessions And Clips | - Astor Piazzolla Tango Chau Paris arranged for piano by Cristiana Pegoraro. Cristiana Pegoraro performing at the Italian Festival in Manama http://www.nme.com/video/youtube/search/pegoraro | |
12. Live On Stage-Classical: Cristiana Pegoraro Recipient of the 2007 “President of Italy” award, Cristiana Pegoraro was only sixteen when she graduated with highest honors from the Conservatory of Terni, Italy. http://liveonstage.biz/rosters/roster_10-11/HTML_pages_10-11/cristiana pegoraro. | |
13. Concert This year the celebration of Italian Heritage and Culture month included a musical performance reflecting the divertisty of the New York culture scene http://www.sitespan.com/newsletter/Concert/concert.htm | |
14. Cristiana Pegoraro | ReverbNation On Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited http://apps.facebook.com/reverbnation_fb/artist/cristianapegoraro | |
15. Deanna Pegoraro - Des Plaines, IL | MyLife™ David Pegoraro Daniele Pegoraro Cynthia Pegoraro Cristiana Pegoraro Corinne Pegoraro http://www.mylife.com/c-1882070431 | |
16. Welcome To Piano.com Pegoraro, Cristiana classical pianist from Italy with many recordings. Includes concert dates and biography. Perahia, Murray - includes biography, news http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
17. Bibliographies Pegoraro, Cristiana. Ithaka. Composer and pianist Pegoraro has written a piece for each paragraph of the poem “Ithaka” by Cavafis, which she performs on this disc produced by http://www.oup.com/us/companion.websites/9780195308044/studentresources/chapters |
18. Pegoraro | Facebook, Twitter & MySpace Profile On PeekYou Cristiana Pegoraro CRISTIANA PEGORARO WILL PERFORM ALL 32 BEETHOVEN. SONATAS FOR PIANO IN GERMANY AND ITALY Cristiana Pegoraro is the first female Italian pianist to execute http://www.peekyou.com/_pegoraro/ |
19. Corinne Pegoraro - Des Plaines, IL | MyLife™ Reunite with Corinne Pegoraro. It's easy to find friends, coworkers, and classmates you've lost touch with over the years at MyLife™. http://www.mylife.com/c-1877445730 | |
20. Pegoli, Ron - Pegoraro, Cecilia | LinkedIn Cornelia Pegoraro Cristiana Pegoraro Cristina Pegoraro Daniel Pegoraro Daniele Pegoraro Danillo Pegoraro http://www.linkedin.com/directory/people/pegoraro.html |
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