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Home - Pianists - Rumessen Vardo |
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1. Vardo Rumessen Biography. Listen To Classical Music By Vardo Rumessen Vardo Rumessen, Vardo Rumessen biography, Vardo Rumessen music, classical music, classical music download, listen to classical music, classical music online, streaming classical http://nonetwww.naxos.com/artistinfo/Vardo_Rumessen/9467.htm |
2. Die Neue MGG - Stichwortverzeichnis Personen J elillsaar@hot.ee Heiki Laanemaa heikil@uninet.ee Maret Tomson maret@kultuur.edu.ee Mati Palm Pille Metsson Vardo Rumessen vardo.rumessen@riigikogu.ee http://www.mgg-online.com/mggpers-j.htm | |
3. VARDO RUMESSEN --- PIANIST Repertoire, reviews, biography of the Estonian pianist. http://www.hot.ee/rumessen |
4. TUBIN: Complete Music For Violin, Viola And Piano - BIS-CD-541-42 Leibur, Arvo; Rumessen, Vardo; Vahle, Petra. Label BIS. Genre Chamber Music; Instrumental. Period 20th Century. Catalogue No BISCD-541-42. Barcode 7318595415424 http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=BIS-CD-541-42 |
5. The Members Rumessen vardo.rumessen@riigikogu.ee Tallinn 26.10.2001 39 Eda Saaremets SuureJaani town 26.10.2001 40 Peeter Sadam peeter@sjg.edu.ee Suure-Jaani town http://www.kappiyhing.ee/liikmed_en.html | |
6. Www.naxos.com TUBIN Complete Music for Violin, Viola and Piano Disc 1. Tubin, Eduard http://www.naxos.com/mainsite/naxoscat/biscat.asp?item_code=BIS-CD-541-42 |
7. Performers: Browse Classical Music http://www.hbdirect.com/browse_classical.php?v[0]=performer&performer=R |
8. TUBIN Complete Music For Violin, Viola And Piano - BIS-CD-541-42 Composer(s) Tubin, Eduard. Artist(s) Leibur, Arvo; Rumessen, Vardo; Vahle, Petra. Label BIS. Catalogue No BISCD-541-42. Barcode 7318595415424 http://nonetwww.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=BIS-CD-541-42 |
9. Calvello Books At Antiqbook.com 40496 RUMESSEN, VARDO. LAANEP›LD, NEEME. Mart Saar fotokroonika elust ja loomingust 6455 RUMI ; JALAL AL-DIN RUMI, MAULANA; BARKS, COLEMAN (TRANSLATOR). http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/calvel/books6000.shtml | |
10. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Bands And Artists: R Rubinstein, Arthur (18871982) - International Music Society Page, includes these biographical notes by Harold C. Shoenberg. Rumessen, Vardo - Repertoire, reviews, biography of the http://musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/R/ | |
11. The World Of Pro Piano ********************************************************* Vardo Rumessen studied with professors Bruno Lukk and Eugen Kelder, graduating the Tallinn Conservatory in 1971. Today he is the world's best known http://www.propiano.com/artists-rumessen.html | |
12. Notenshop R The Works of Eduard Tubin ThematicBibliographical Catalogue of Works Rumessen, Vardo Teori, kursb cker http://www.orpheus.at/suchen/komponisten_interpreten_r.htm | |
13. EMIC Rumessen, Vardo (08.08.1942) Sakkos, NataLy (23.06.1950) Sildos, Mail (16.05.1958) Sumera, Kadri-Ann (5.08.1977) Tammesalu, Aare (20.12.1960) Tarum, Imbi (03.04.1956) http://www.emic.ee/page?id=2 |
14. The Complete Piano Music @ U.Va. Library Related Name(s) Tubin, Eduard, 19051982. Tubin, Eduard, 1905-1982. Piano music; Rumessen, Vardo (Performer) http://blacklight.betech.virginia.edu/catalog/u1368898 | |
15. Vardo Rumessen - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Rumessen, Vardo Alternative names Short description Date of birth Place of birth Date of death Place of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vardo_Rumessen | |
16. BIS Records Rumessen, Vardo Rundel, Peter RundfunkSinfonieorchester Berlin Rundgren, Bengt Ruohonen, Seppo Rupert, Hanneli Rusanen, Johanna Ruud, Ole Kristian Ruuttunen, Esa http://www.bis.se/index.php?op=indexArtist&sokText=R |
17. Vardo Rumessen Vardo Rumessen. Vardo Rumessen (b 1942) graduated from Prof Bruno Lukk and Eugen Kelder’s piano class at Estonian Academy of Music in 1971. Today he is one of the best known http://www.erpmusic.com/SilentMoods.htm | |
18. Richard Blevins Papers, 1950-2004 Correspondence Rumessen, Vardo, Eduard Tubin related correspondence ; Correspondence Safdie, Joseph; Correspondence Sargent, Jim, with poems and essays enclosed http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/literature/poetry/blevins.html | |
19. RR-uut Muusikakogus RAAMATUD; Eesti Muusikaakadeemia V itekirjad. Tallinn Eesti Muusikaakadeemia, 2003- - PE A/2142; 1 1 Rumessen, Vardo. Eduard Tubin helit de temaatilis http://www.nlib.ee/html/anded/muus/m004_01.html | |
20. - Eres Edition Musikverlag Für Noten, Bücher Und CDs, Eres Edition Musikverlag F Rumessen, Vardo The works of Eduard Tubin thematic and bibliographic catalogue of works ETW = Eduard Tubin helit de temaatilisbibliograafiline kataloog EWT / Vardo http://www.eres-musik.de/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=134=Rumessen, Vardo |
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